
NASA offers more than 800 free applications to train in astronomy and space matters

Training in space programs online and free of charge is possible with the more than 800 applications that NASA itself has made available to people interested in acquiring basic knowledge about astronomy and space matters through the NASA SOFTWARE platform. A tool where, with the latest update, there are already more than 830 programs that are aimed at teachers, scientists, students and the general public.

According to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, these free apps range “from operations here on Earth to missions to the Moon and Mars. Software is an integral part of everything NASA does.” So you can acquire extensive knowledge about all the tasks, departments and missions in which NASA works in its day to day.

NASA Software is divided into different categories that allow access to the various sections of the catalog. These are: Business systems and project management; Processing and management of data servers; Materials and processes; System Test; Propulsion; electronics and electric power; Operations; Structures and mechanisms; environmental science; Design and integration tools; crew and lift support; autonomous systems; management vehicle; data and image processing; and Aeronautics.

Though much of the catalog is freely accessible, some are only available to other agencies or companies with a government contract. If a software product is made available for commercial purposes, a statement that the code is “available for license” is included in the description of the software.

To access this exclusive and free NASA training, simply create an account at: and log in. At sign-up, all required fields must be completed before the application can be submitted, which will be automatically routed to the appropriate Center’s Software Publishing Authority (SRA) for processing. It is also a platform that is updated periodically as they become available. new NASA software codes and updates to old versions.

Restriction to some software codes

Many NASA open source software codes and mobile applications provide a URL link so that the applicant can download the software directly. Therefore, it is not necessary to use the Request Software button for these codes.

Note that the type of release determines who can have a NASA software code. If someone meets the access criteria for the code, NASA transfers said software to them.

But, Why is access to some software codes restricted? Each NASA code has been evaluated for access restrictions and designated for a specific type of release based on the purpose for which the software code was designed. Some codes are considered restricted because they have been developed for a specific government purpose. Codes designated as “US Government Purpose Release” require the user to work for a federal agency, corporation, or university with an active contract, grant, or Space Law agreement with the federal government.

The NASA Software Catalog offers hundreds of new software programs that are free to download for use in a wide variety of technical applications. And at the end, have exclusive knowledge thanks to this unique training provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration itselfthe US government agency responsible for the civil space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research.

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