What is parental control?
It is more than likely that, at this point in life, you know exactly what parental control or controls consist of. But, just in case there was someone clueless, it is a series of conditions, rules or limits that you can establish. With these parameters created, speaking of streaming content platforms, a certain part of the series, documentaries or movies that do not comply with these limits will not be shown.
A clear example of this is setting an age limit of, for example, 12 years. Therefore, from that moment on, any content categorized for older ages would disappear from the list of possibilities. This is something that, if you are worried about what your children can see on the Smart TV in the living room or in their room when you are not present, it will make you have nothing to worry about.
It is true that on these types of platforms such as Netflix, HBO, Prime Video, etc. there are child profiles. But, depending on the age of our child, it is likely that there is still some content that we do not want him to see. For this reason, Netflix gives us a wide range of possibilities in parental control to configure what they will be able to see and what they will have access to.
Netflix parental control settings
We are now going to the really important thing in this article, in which we are going to show you everything you can do within the parental control of the big red N platform.
How to create a children’s profile on Netflix
The first thing is to create a profile for our children, so there will be no confusion and we will not have to make “sacrifices” of not seeing everything that the platform offers when we use it.
Establish a child profile It is super simple and we can do it from our own Smart TV:
- When we access the Netflix app from the TV (or any other device) we will see the profile selection panel before reaching the catalog.
- Click on the option “Add profile” that appears with a “+” on the screen.
- Write the name you want to recognize this user for your children. In our case we have called him «Peques».
- Then you can set an icon and the language you want this profile to use in the following options.
- Finally, and perhaps the most important actions, is check the box “Child Profile”. This, as Netflix itself indicates under the box, will establish a age limit of 12 years to this profile.
- Click on “Done” and this profile will now be available for use.
These steps may be enough to keep your children “safe” from viewing age-inappropriate content. But, if you want to take parental control of the account one step further, read on.
Set age limits on Netflix
If the predefined age classification of 12 years of the child profile is not valid for your particular case (that is because you have a younger or older child without reaching the age of 18) you can adjust other ranges from your Netflix account.
You only have to enter the section of Netflix.com/YourAccount that was indicated to us when creating the profile from the browser (we cannot do this either on the Smart TV or in the smartphone app). This address will take you to all the information regarding your account on the platform: personal data, billing, download management, etc. But what really matters to us, this time, is the last section called “Profile and parental control.”
Now you just have to follow these steps:
- Scroll down to the child profile you have created.
- Click on the arrow on the right to access the configuration options.
- Access the «Restrictions on viewing» menu by clicking on «Change».
- Enter the password for your Netflix account. This step is necessary for the children themselves
(the cleverest)Access these settings to remove the limits. - Now, in the upper bar, we will only have place the marking on the age limit of the content we want our child to see.
Block a particular series or movie
If we don’t want your child see a specific series or movie, we can also make a specific block in the same lower section. You will only have to:
- In the “Title restrictions for xxx” section, where “xxx” is the name of this profile, write the name of what you do not want him to see.
- Within the list that appears with the autocomplete, choose the title in question.
Automatically that series or movie will stop appearing for this profile even if you specifically search for it in the search engine.
If in the future you want remove this lockAll you have to do is click on the “x” that accompanies that content in the list below.
Password lock a profile on Netflix
On the other hand, this streaming content platform also allows us to establish a password to access the profiles of our account.
Here we can add this key to our son’s profile by entering the option of “Profile lock” from the initial menu. But, what seems more interesting to us is to establish passwords in all the profiles that do not adapt to their age, that is, in our own. That way you won’t be tempted to watch series or movies that aren’t suitable for him.
From now on, whenever we go to access this profile, it will ask us for the access code that we have created.
Discover everything your children have seen on Netflix
Finally, we have the possibility of everything our children have seen on Netflix and the day they did it. To access this history is as simple as entering the “Viewing activity” menu from the start menu.
Here we have access to a complete list of everything this profile has seen within the platform. Also, an option that Netflix has recently added is that the parents (the account administrator) will receive a mail every 15 days where this viewing history is displayed.
This may border on the violation of your privacy. But, having access to such a wide catalog of series and movies of all kinds, it is worth having this ace up your sleeve if necessary.