
New homes in the UK will have plugs for electric vehicles

Whether or not the best of the plans, of which there is no doubt is that the future today is electric vehicles. And, consequently, it is essential to start preparing the necessary infrastructure to service an increasing volume of this type of vehicle. Moreover, if this deployment does not occur, the most normal thing in the world will be that many potential users do not decide to make the leap, delaying the adoption plans of EVs.

Part of the infrastructure we are talking about, which is essential for the proliferation of electric vehicles, it has to do with public charging points. Whether in electric stations, in shopping centers, in service areas, public parking lots and many other spaces, the charging points are the necessary guarantors of mobility, especially in rather small electric vehicles, with an urban profile, and whose autonomies still remain well below that provided by its versions with hydrocarbon engines.

However, you cannot leave everything in the hands of these public spaces. Quite the contrary, it is essential that particular charging points are also expanded, that is, those that can be used by owners of electric vehicles in their own homes, in jobs, and so on. Today there are already such attractive proposals as those of Charge Amps, but today their presence is not, even remotely, as widespread as it would be necessary. And the same can be said about fast charging features.

However this may be close to changing in the UK. And, as we can read in an official statement from the British Government, As of 2022, all new homes, as well as work centers, must necessarily have charging points for electric vehicles. The goal is ambitious, 10 Downing Street verbalizes it as’Hundreds of thousands of additional charging points«. In more concrete numbers ?, «Up to 145,000 additional charging points will be installed across England each year […] until the year 2030«.

New homes in the UK will have plugs for electric vehicles

The choice of this date is not accidental, since the British authorities have set precisely that year as the date for the prohibition of vehicles that use fossil fuels. An ambitious goal but which, today, seems somewhat difficult to meet, not so much because of the installation of the charging points, but because of the cost of renewing the fleet, with many users who cannot or do not want to do it. the investment necessary to make the leap to electric vehicles today.

And it is that, although little by little the prices are decreasing, Today buying an electric car is much more expensive than buying a gasoline or diesel model, to which we must add that the second-hand market is still quite scarce, and the doubt about the life of the batteries discourages many potential buyers from getting electric vehicles in said market, which in many cases is the only option for get hold of a vehicle.

To this, In addition, we must add the uncertainty about whether, really, electric vehicles are the future of the motor. There are more and more voices that are betting on hydrogen and, in fact, together with the approval of this law, British institutions have also announced the investment of close to 10 million pounds in a project related precisely to the use of hydrogen as fuel, and which will take place in Scotland. And, despite the fact that right now they are the future, it is possible that electric vehicles have their days numbered, compared to those that also rely on hydrogen.

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