
Now they will implant us chips! Elon Musk Announces Human Testing of Neuralink for 2022

Elon Musk, tycoon, influencer and owner of companies like Tesla and SpaceX, assured that his brain implant “Neuralink” will begin human trials in 2022. This was reported through his official Twitter account, in which he also stated that replacing defective or missing neurons “by bridging” existing neuronal signals is the best way to solve mental problems.

“The process will accelerate when we have the chips inserted into humans (it’s hard to have a nuanced conversation with monkeys), next year,” he wrote. This Musk project is one of the most controversial he has released, as it ensures that with this implant it will be possible to compensate for lost functions due to neurological or spinal cord injuries.

The experts who participated in the development of “Neuralink” tested a “functional” model in pigs and there was also a clinical trial in a macaque monkey in April this year. Although the announcement excited Elon’s fans, it could not happen, since in 2020 and this year he had already promised that he would begin with tests in people.

Scientists consider that Neuralink is not something revolutionary

In 2020, Andrew Jackson, professor of neural interfaces at Newcastle University, said: “I don’t think there is anything revolutionaryBut they are overcoming the engineering challenges of placing multiple electrodes in the brain. In terms of its technology, a thousand 24 channels is not something that impressive these days, but the electronics to transmit them wirelessly are cutting-edge and the robotic implantation is attractive, “said the expert.

He said that the biggest challenge will be to do something relevant with all these brain data, “the demonstrations (made up to then) were actually quite disappointing in this sense and they did not show anything that has not been done before,” he mentioned.


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