
Ómicron: WHO ensures that Covid-19 vaccines work for the new variant

The World Health Organization assured that most cases of contagion with the Omicron variant of Covid-19, are mild and that there is no evidence that the new variant has any impact on the effectiveness of vaccines that have already been developed and administered worldwide.

The global organization said early studies suggest that the mutant strain may be more contagious than previous ones, but that there are no signs that existing vaccines are less effective against Omicron. They even assured that its effectiveness in avoiding hospitalizations and deaths is the same as with all the previous variants.

Will the third dose of the vaccine work?

For a week, several countries worldwide began to put the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. This as a strategy to keep the drugs working level. But now, with the first recorded cases of the Omicron variant, more have decided to start with this procedure.

Among the advantages that have been found after applying the booster dose we can find the improvement in the long-term immune response, it restores the immunity that decreases after 6 months after the original treatment was applied and it helps immunosuppressed people to develop more antibodies that were not achieved after the second dose of the vaccine .

In addition, it serves as a reinforcement for new variants that may arise, including Omicron. Among the countries that have already applied a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine we can count China, Hungary, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria, and Canada.


Ómicron: what you should know about the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine

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