Only two of the ten most played games on PS5 are exclusive

This week marked the first anniversary of the arrival of the new generation of Sony consoles (delayed in our country until next day 19) with a PS5 that has undoubtedly given much to talk about. So much so, that the Japanese company itself has decided to pay tribute to what is already almost its fastest selling console in all its history, showing some of the most relevant details and figures achieved by it.

However, on this occasion we are specifically struck by the list with the ten most played games during this year of life, which leave us a rather worrying message: exclusives are no longer the priority.

And it is that although Sony takes a while racking up a host of exclusives under the PlayStation Studios label, with some of their most powerful studios such as Naughty Dog, Insomniac (responsible for the successful Spider Man), or the more recently incorporated Housemarque (Returnal developers), Bluepoint (Demon’s Souls), Firesprite (Astro’s Playroom) or Nixxes (port managers). from Marvel’s Avengers’ to their consoles), only two of these have managed to sneak into this list.

With a total of more than 4.6 billion hours of accumulated gameplay Among the bulk of players, only from the PS5, the top of the ten most played games is ordered as follows:

  • Fortnite
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
  • FIFA 21
  • NBA 2K21
  • Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
  • Destiny 2
  • MLB The Show 21
  • Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales
  • Demon’s Souls
  • NBA 2K22

Although the fact that the two titles that head the list are free-to-play games is not surprising, it is however that only two titles from PlayStation studios are present among the most popular of the players, being only one of them a PS5 exclusive.

However, it is true that the vast majority of games released this year by Sony have focused on single player installments, greatly limiting replayability thereof. Although we are undoubtedly surprised by the fact that Returnal has not managed to sneak between these titles, since although its history is somewhat short, its procedural level generation approach offers practically infinite replayability.

Similarly, while these exclusives were pretty strong, they certainly didn’t have the great anticipation of others for their upcoming flagship releases dated next year, with God of War: Ragnarok or Horizon: Forbidden West just around the corner. corner, the PS5 still has a lot to offer.

So, while it is undoubtedly too early to sentence him, it certainly seems that Microsoft was right in aiming to focus its console on cross-platform accessibility and services. Will we be before the end of the exclusives? How will this affect the next generation of consoles?

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