
Opera integrates TikTok among its services and extends the paid VPN to Opera GX

There is a new version of the Opera web browser and, unlike what is usual for an application that in recent times, with few exceptions, seems to be in maintenance mode, this one comes with… striking news. As much as integrating TikTok, the fashionable social network, in the same browser.

With a little more delay than the rest of Chromium derivatives, Opera 93 changes its base to Chromium 107 and does so with a novelty, to say the least curious, such as integrate TikTok in the browser itself, just as services such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram or WhatsApp already are, among others. That is to say, it is not a strange movement for Opera, quite the contrary.

In fact, the developers of the Norwegian solution boast that Opera is the first browser to integrate TikTok. Of course, the integration in question refers to that of the services that can be put in the sidebar, for which, by the way, TikTok is a perfect fit, given its vertical flow derived from the mobile application.

However, it should be remembered that Opera pulls oil from its sidebar and in addition to the sayings, it can work with other communication and social platforms such as Telegram or Twitter, but also with music and video services by streaming like YouTube Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, etc; You can embed there news, browser options…

The truth is that Opera offers nothing -or almost nothing, if we take into account that Facebook Messenger supports notification indicators- that cannot be achieved manually in browsers like Vivaldi, Microsoft Edge or Firefox, but they strive to make the experience as automated as possible and it shows.

But that is not all. If you don’t use the old Opera, but the new Opera GX, the browser for gamersas an outstanding novelty you have the iAddition of Opera VPN Pro to available services. Or what is the same, you can now contract the company’s VPN service and enjoy its full integration with the web browser. Because yes, the free VPN is not bad, but if you want to demand, it is better to pay.

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