I imagine that you will agree with me if I tell you that we all have a favorite console, either for a simple matter of nostalgia, because it was the one that impressed us the most on a technical level, or because it was the one that gave us the most hours of fun. In my case, I am clear that my favorite console is Dreamcastthe truth is that for all the reasons I just gave you.
On a technical level, Dreamcast has been, together with Xbox, the console that has surprised me the most, and undoubtedly represented one of the greatest leaps at the graphic level that has occurred with a generation. She also shined with her own light thanks to her excellent catalog of games, and gave me so many hours of fun and good times that whenever I remember her I get a deep sense of “good vibes”.
But setting aside favoritism and focusing on innovation, What do you think was the most revolutionary console? There are many interesting options, of course, but I think that the Dreamcast is also the one that most deserves this recognition, and I do not speak without reason. On a technical level, this console consolidated 3D graphics and served as a platform for very important achievements, not in vain it had superior adaptations to the original arcade, such as Soul Calibur, and it was the first to receive a Resident Evil with 3D scenarios. No, it wasn’t Game Cube with Resident Evil 4, it was Dreamcast with Resident Evil Code Veronica.
Dreamcast was a unique console: Internet, keyboard, mouse and Visual Memory
Frankly, it was a console that had it all and dared to go further, and this is what makes it deserve to be recognized as the most innovative console. On the one hand we can highlight its excellent catalog of peripherals, where we could find from a keyboard and a mouse to some maracas, a fishing rod and, of course, the classic steering wheel and the pistol. On the other hand, we must remember the role played by the VisualMemory.
As many of our readers probably know, Visual Memories were memory cards that were inserted into Dreamcast controllers, and contained an LCD screen and with a small control system, consisting of a crosshead, two buttons, and two other function buttons (sleep and mode). We could use it to enjoy numerous mini-games, and when connected to the controller it would display useful information for each specific game.
For example, with Resident Evil 2 the Visual Memory indicated the health of our character and the remaining bullets. Needless to say, it was very useful, since we could know when it was a good time to reload, or to run away if we were aware that we had no more ammunition.
But this is not all, the Dreamcast was also the pioneer of the Internet connection and the online game console. With her we could surfing the Internet and enjoy functions that in 1999 were almost “a little luxury”, and play online at titles like Quake III and Phantasy Star Online. This console was a true pioneer in things that are fundamental in the world of consoles today, in many ways it marked the way forward for future generations.
Now it’s your turn to give your opinion, which do you think was the most revolutionary console? We read in the comments.