The world of consoles has gone through different stages. Right now we meet in a very curious phasesince traditional consoles coexist in two different generations with the mini versions of old consoles, although it is true that the availability of each mini console has varied over time, and that many have ended up being discontinued.
I have been lucky enough to be able to enjoy all the key moments in the history of game consoles. The first one I had was Atari 2600although the first console that I could really buy with my money was a SEGA Dreamcast. This console gave me a lot of joy, and in later years I alternated between different systems depending on the exclusive ones that I liked the most. However, in the end I always ended up spending more time on the PC.
My interest in consoles has always been there, after all I am a lover of video games, hardware and technology, although for a few years I have left them more in the background and I have focused more on gaming instead. PC. However, this does not mean that I have forgotten about consoles, A few years ago I bought a PS4 Slim to be able to play Bloodborne and other exclusives, but in the end I have dedicated very few hours to it and I have the feeling that I have not amortized it.
After seeing the arrival of the new generation and knowing what they are capable of, it is clear to me that I am not going to buy a PS5, and I have ended up playing almost entirely on PC, saving little time that I dedicate to retro gaming on consoles. It might seem that the last console I bought was therefore a PS4 Slim, but no, the last console I bought was a PlayStation Classic Minitaking advantage of a special offer that lowered its sale price to less than 50 euros.
After getting PS4 Slim I have only been buying some mini consoles that have interested me, such as Mega Drive Mini, Super Nintendo Mini and NES Classic Mini. You may be wondering why I have spent money on those consoles if it is possible to play their titles through emulators, and the answer is very simple, because offer an experience closer to the original hardwareboth for the design of the console and for the controls.
Now it’s your turn what was the last console you bought? We read in the comments.