
Out of space on your hard drive? So you can free tens of gigabytes

One of the most common problems that many users face in Windows, and in any other operating system, is a lack of space. The easiest solution, a priori, is to replace the storage unit with one of greater capacitybut, in the end, we are going to find ourselves with the same problem, since the tendency to occupy it is something that we cannot avoid unless we are very clear about the use we want to make of the equipment.

When it comes to freeing up space, the first thing we should do is check the Downloads folder, a folder where absolutely everything we download from the internet is stored, be it programs, photos, videos, movies, and others. However, it is not always enough to free up a good amount of storage space, especially if we tend to organize the files we download in several folders. When it comes to freeing up space in Windows, we can have at our disposal different tools that will help us do it, native Windows tools and third-party tools like the ones we show you below.

storage sensor

Windows includes a feature called Storage Sense, a feature that is natively turned on and automatically takes care of free disk space of files, generally temporary, that are not necessary for the operation of the equipment. This option is found within the Windows configuration options (Win + i), in the System> Storage section.

Windows storage sensor

Within this section, we can click on each of the sections to show the files, directories and applications along with the space they are occupying on the disk in order to eliminate all the content that is useful to us and that are not necessary. for the proper functioning of the equipment.

Windows storage sensor

We just have to check the corresponding box and to eliminate the space, click on the button remove files.

Disk Cleanup

Another interesting tool that Windows makes available to us to delete files in Windows is Disk Cleanup. It is an application with which we can quickly and easily delete temporary files from our computer, files that correspond to the recycle bin, updates downloaded and installed that have not been removed, Windows optimization files among others. To free up space, we just have to mark the sections that we consider and, then, click on the Clean up system files button.

Clean up disk space


If the information that Windows makes available to us natively does not allow us to get a concrete idea of ​​where we can put the scissors on the computer to free up space, we can make use of the free application TreeSize. TreeSize is a simple application with an interface similar to File Browser with shows the directory structure of our hard drives together with the space they occupy and the number of files and folders found inside, which allows us to quickly find where our computer’s space is being used up.

treesize interfaceTreeSize is available in free and paid versions. With the free version it is more than enough to know which folders are taking up more space and act accordingly.

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