One of the rumors that has been circulating around Apple for many years is the possibility that there is a way to pay every month to use an iPhone, replacing the usual way of acquiring this device. Well, this Apple move could be closer than ever. Keep reading that we tell you everything.
What is this service about?
Apple is learning well the lesson that all the services they currently have are giving it and it seems that the famous subscription model could reach the iPhone and, eye, to the rest of the products of the Cupertino company. It is a strategy that would complement the current and traditional way of acquiring a product, that is, paying it in full or in installments.
Without a doubt, it is great news, assuming a movement that will benefit both users and the Cupertino company itself. It’s about a subscription plan to different devices, that is, you can subscribe to the iPhone, pay a monthly fee and be able to purchase your device and change it, for example, every year. In this way, many users who do not want or cannot pay all at once for the full cost of the product, will also be able to have access to this type of device.
It is not clear how Apple will price this subscription, but it seems that the Cupertino company is more inclined to set a monthly pricerather than distributing the cost of the device in different monthly installments. In this way, users will have a much more affordable and viable way to access the latest models of certain products and Apple will be able to reach a much larger audience, that is, it would be something that would clearly benefit both parties.
When will it arrive?
As we said before, this movement has been rumored around the Cupertino company for some time, however, it is now that it sounds louder. Yes indeed, it is nothing confirmed that it will be a reality. However, everything seems to indicate that Apple’s intentions are to be able to count on it by the end of this year, or the beginning of 2023.
In addition, the way to implement this subscription would be completely similar to what users currently do to be able to enjoy services such as Apple Music or Apple One. But beware, this you have to differentiate it well from the iPhone Update Program which is in force in the United States, especially because as we have said before, with this subscription you will have to pay the same amount monthly, while with the update program the cost of the device is divided into several installments.
According to Bloomberg, this new service could mean Apple’s biggest push yet, since it would foreseeably increase the recurring sales of the company considerably. Undoubtedly, if this movement finally occurs, it will also be great news for users, since not only can a subscription be paid for the iPhone, but for the rest of Apple equipment.