
Ransomware as a Service: how to prevent it and respond to an attack

Ransomware has become one of the biggest security threats affecting businesses. Their attacks are not only increasingly complex, but also produce losses that can be millions. In 2021 alone, a ransomware attack is estimated to have occurred every 11 seconds, in a downward spiral.

One of the reasons that explains this phenomenon is the development of what is known as ransomware as a service. Unfortunately for many companies, it is becoming more and more common for developers of ransomware establish authentic affiliate networks or even partner programs. In this model, the programmers of these viruses freely provide their “creations” to all kinds of cybercriminals.

The latter are responsible for deploying the software, collecting a ransom when they reach their goals and returning a percentage of it to the developer. In this sense, the creators of this type of malware they enjoy an enviable position: minimal risk of being caught and increased opportunities to monetize.

In this business model, no company is small enough not to become the victim of an attack and any of its workers can become the vector through which cybercriminals gain free access to privileged access to confidential information or even to the entire CPD of your target.

Once the problem has been identified, it is not so easy, however, to find the appropriate solution. Conventional antivirus programs, based on software signatures, have proven incapable of preventing and detecting these types of attacks, due to the enormous number of unique variants that the virus presents. ransomware and its rapid growth.

As explained in the eBook “The rise of ransomware: how to reduce risk and respond to an attack” developed by the security company delineatewe must go beyond this type of solution, thinking that, in addition to preventing possible attacks, we must work thinking that at some point we can be a target and that we have to be able to give an adequate response in the event that we end up being infected by this type of program.

In this eBook, the security company explains in detail:

  • Why the new “Ransomware as a Service” model is driving the rise in attacks.
  • Security best practices from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC).
  • Privileged Access Management (PAM) strategies that strengthen security controls and make an organization more resilient to a ransomware attack.

If you want to learn the keys you need to master to protect your company’s most valuable information and give an adequate response to this type of threat, don’t think twice! Download here the guide that interests you the most!

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