
reset all achievements of any game

Through the PC play store client, Steam, we have the possibility of carrying out all kinds of tasks. In addition to buying our favorite titles, we will be able to run them, carry out multiple tasks, and interact with other players.

In addition, the client that we mentioned to you about the store automatically stores all the achievements that we accumulate regarding the games in our library. However, if we have been using this platform for many months or years, there may come a time when we want to restart all these achievements that we are talking about.

The first thing we should know is that resetting your achievements on Steam is possible, as long as you follow the steps that we will discuss below. It’s a trick that not everyone knows and that allows us reset said achievements of each of the games in our Steam library individually.

Open Steam Console

The store client does not offer us a direct function to carry out this task. Of course, some titles offer the option to reset the player’s progress, which sometimes affects Steam achievements. But if this is not possible, then let’s see how to achieve it on our own.

Initially, for all this we are going to use the element called Steam client console. We access it from the windows run window that we open with the keyboard shortcut Win + R. Once on the screen, we type the following:


At that time, the console of the game store client will appear on the screen so that we can interact with it.

steam console

We are going to use it to type the necessary commands to reset game achievements.

Commands to reset achievements

Say that initially the command that we will have to use is this:


By itself, it does nothing, since we first need to know the name of the game we want to deal with. This we can extract from SteamDB, the database of the platform that we access from here. Now we look for the game in question and copy its AppID.

appid steam

We save this value and we are located in the Archievements section of that same game. Now a list will appear with all the achievements and their API names. We choose the specific achievement that we want to reset and write down its name.

game achievements

Now we only have to use the command mentioned above, but with the parameters to restart the achievement of that game. Therefore, for all this to be effective we will have to generate our own custom command with the following format:

achievement_clear <AppID> <Nombre del logro>

The only thing we have to make sure of is to write correctly both the AppID of the game in question, such as that of the achievement that we pointed out before. We will know that the whole process has gone well if in the steam console the message appears:

achievement_clear success

At this point it is worth mentioning that we also have the possibility of resetting all the achievements at once for a certain game. We will only have to use the following command followed by the corresponding AppID of the title:

reset_all_stats <AppID>

But we must be careful with this command, since, depending on the gameit may not work or damage important statistics of it.

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