
Samsung confirms the clamping of its smartphones, a fix is ​​on the way

Samsung has admitted that several of its smartphones are hampering the performance of many applications, in an effort to save battery life and prevent devices from overheating. The manufacturer will provide a corrective patch.

The discovery made a lot of noise this week. Like other manufacturers before it, Samsung has been accused of limiting application performance, in this case more than 10,000 apps are affected! Games, but also very popular apps like Netflix, TikTok, Instagram, and even Samsung apps like Secure Folder or Samsung Pay.

The performance of thousands of restricted apps

On the other hand, the benchmark apps were not affected. They could therefore give very good results and for good reason, these performance tests are not restricted. But when using an application like TikTok or a game, the user does not benefit from all the power promised and for which he paid.

The heart of the problem lies in a Samsung software called Game Optimizing Service (GOS), it is he who is accused of restraining applications. However, it is difficult to determine the smartphones concerned: this is not the case for the Galaxy S22 (although the vagueness remains concerning this model), the Galaxy S20 FE or the Galaxy S10E. The software, on the other hand, sits well in the Galaxy S21 Plus.

In the face of the growing controversy, Samsung officially communicated. ” We intend to release an update for our users to monitor the performance [de leurs smartphones] when they play “said a spokesperson. The manufacturer only mentions the games, not the other affected applications.

GOS does not manage the performance of applications that are not games, details Samsung. This software has been designed so that games can enjoy the best performance while managing the temperature of the smartphone in the most efficient way. It now remains to be seen which models will receive the update, and how it will be possible to manage the clamping.

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