This process is carried out thanks to a function that Windows has and that serves to prevent us from creating a file with the other that already exists and replacing it. Thus, we can check how all the selected files will have the name of Windows 11 (1), Windows 11 (2), Windows (3) etc.
Use TAB to change names without having to select them
We also have another very simple option to rename the files is using the TAB key. To do this, we only have to choose one of the files in the folder to later rename it, either by double-clicking on the file or by right-clicking and selecting “Rename” from the context menu. Once the name is changed, with only press the TAB key we will be able to go from file to file to change the name, so it will not be necessary to select them one by one. This method makes renaming files a simple task as long as it is not in large quantities.
Rename using Command Prompt
Another option that we have available is to use the Windows command line through the Command Prompt. This tool can be useful if we want to rename many files by changing a sequence included in the name, replace a character or change the extension of all of them.
To do this, we will write cmd in the search box of the Start menu, and we will select the Command Prompt, which we will have to run with administrator rights. Next, we will have to execute a series of commands depending on the type of action that we are going to carry out.
Change names or extensions
To change a sequence included in the name, the first thing we must do is go to the path where the files that we are going to rename are located and use the REN (Rename) command as it suits us. For example, if we have a series of images with the names Windows001.jpg, Windows002.jpg, Windows003.jpg and so on, and we want to change it to Windows101.jpg, Windows102.jpg, Windows103.jpg, etc, then we must use the command ren Windows ???. jpg Windows1 ??. jpg. The character “?” We can use it as a wildcard to substitute any character. We can also rename extensions, and go from JPG to PNG. To do this, we must enter the folder path and use the following command:
ren *.jpg *.png
Delete parts of the name
It may also interest us remove a part of the name, something that can be useful when several files have the same suffix or prefix that we want to eliminate. For this we can use the same command indicating that the prefix or suffix disappears. For example, suppose we have many images named photos-April.JPG, photos-May.JPG, and so on. Now we want them to just be called April.jpg, May.jpg, etc. We can do this easily by executing the command “ren photos – ????. Jpg ?????. Jpg”.
Use Adobe Bridge and rename files quickly
If we prefer to use an application that helps us to rename files in a massive way, we can use different software developed for this purpose. One of these applications is Adobe bridge. This software will allow us to organize our photos so that we can always have them organized, as well as rename our photos in batches so that we can organize them more precisely. To begin, we must download the application that we can do for free from the Adobe website.
Once installed, we execute it and its main menu will appear. We start by opening the folder where the photos we want to rename are stored. Later we select them, clicking on the “Edit” tab and then “Select all”. Alternatively, we can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + A”. Once selected, we are going to click on «Tools» and “Change batch name”, or we press its corresponding keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + R”.
This will make a new window appear, from where we will be able to manage everything necessary to give our files new names. The first thing to do is make sure that, in the “Destination folder” section, the option to “Rename in the same folder”. Later we find the section “New file names”, from where we will be able to create the template to be able to apply it later to all our photographs.
As we can see, we can configure it to our liking, adding and removing text from the names of the files as it suits us. Mainly it is important that we have a “Text” entry where we will write the name of the file (for example, Windows) and the number is sequenced, that is, from 1 onwards, and the total number of digits. If we put four digits it would start in 0001, if we put three digits in 001, etc. From there we can add a new extension, date and time, metadata, string substitution, etc. All this will allow us to have our photos organized to the millimeter.
We can also check the result before the modification by clicking on the «Preview» button. This will make a window appear where we will see the original name of the file and the new name that it will receive.
Finally, if we liked the template we created, we can save it to be able to use it automatically later. To do this, click on «Preset Settings» and click on the «Save button». Once the entire configuration process is finished, just click on «Rename», so that everything is done automatically. This will show us the main menu again with all the photos renamed according to the parameters we have configured. All in a matter of a second.
Magnifiers Rename, rename files in batches
Another option to rename a large number of files is the program Magnifying glasses Rename. This software is free and does not require installation as it is portable and integrates directly into the File Explorer. It is quite simple to use since it will only be necessary to establish a base name to later adjust the desired automatic numbering process. To start using it, just download it from the developer’s own website.
Once we execute it, its main panel appears where we must click on it yellow folder icon. Later we add the folder where all the files that we want to rename are located. Now, using the shift key we must select all the files on which we want to change the name. Next, at the bottom we find three tabs from where we will be able to rename, the numbering or the extension of the files. If we go to the “Name” tab, we will have different options to configure such as “Replace with text”, “Replace text”, and so on.
We mark on «Replace with the text» and we write the new name. In doing so, in the column on the right we will see what the final result would be like. So that all the files do not have the same name, click on the tab “Self-numbering” and from here establish the guidelines to differentiate them. Now we mark in “After the name” which allows us to choose between several options such as the number to start, fill with zeros, and so on. When making the change, we check how we automatically see the result in the “Preview” field. Once finished, we only have to click on “Rename” so that the name change is carried out automatically.