
She reaches 110 km/h with her electric scooter and overtakes cars on the highway

A video posted on the Reddit forum shows a woman reaching more than 100 km/h with her electric scooter. The problem is more important than that since the latter visibly circulates on the highway.

electric scooter woman
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You may have noticed, but electric scooters are now an integral part of our current urban setting. This new means of transport was quickly democratized in our cities, and it was initially supposed to be a good alternative to more conventional means of transport, such as the bicycle for example. Only over time, the electric scooter has slowly established itself as a risky mode of urban transport. The fault of several users who are not very disciplined and reluctant to respect the traffic rules in force.

In Paris and other major cities in France, Lime, the operator of self-service electric scooters, has disclosed some innovations that are supposed to help fight for good against driving on sidewalks or driving in a state of distress. drunk. But while waiting for the major operators to finally enforce optimal traffic conditions, some e-scooter users continue to miss the rules. The proof with this woman, spotted at more than 100 km / h on the highway with her small machine.

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She is spotted at more than 100 km / h on the highway with her electric scooter

The video in question was posted on the forum Reditt. We see a woman riding her electric scooter. At first glance, everything is fine. But by launching the video, we realize that the user is driving on the highway. And we especially realize that this last poster a top speed of over 100 km/hbased on the meter displayed by the vehicle positioned behind and whose driver immortalized the moment with a video.

The feat is still to be taken into account since conventional electric scooters have a top speed that rarely exceeds more than 30 km/h. More worryingly, however, this woman did not seem to realize the risks she was taking and making other users run. Not to mention that the latter had no protective equipment on her outfit. Not to be reproduced.

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