
so you always know where they are

Many of us are the users who prefer to choose to shop online during this time of year instead of going to shopping centers, crowded shopping centers and where we can barely move. In addition, finding any gift is too complicated due to the large number of options available. Another option, although not by price, is to buy gifts in the shops in our neighborhood, an option that whenever possible, we should recommend since we not only help small businesses, but we are also going to have an experience much more personalized.

If we choose the first option, buy online, first of all, we must make sure that the store will offer us a tracking number so that we can know where our gifts are at all times and be able to act in advance if we see something suspicioussuch as not having changed your location in several days.

Bearing in mind that the number of transport companies is very high and that not all of them offer us an easy method to track the status of a shipment, the best thing we can do is resort to one of the different websites that automatically analyze the tracking code to detect which company manages it and show us its status at that time.

With these websites we will not be able track orders that we do on Amazon, since the vast majority of them are distributed through your transport company. To make sure, we just have to check the details of the order where the company that will be in charge of sending us the purchases will be shown.


One of the websites, which is also available as an app for iOS and Android mobile devices, is Parcels. Through this website, we can know at all times who is managing our order through the tracking number. We just have to paste the number in the text box and click on Locate shipment. At that time, the company that is managing our shipment and the shipping address along with the expected delivery date will be displayed. With this website, we can easily and quickly track the orders we make in eBay, Gearbest, Wish, ASOS, Joom and Banggood among others.


Another interesting option that we have at our disposal to track our orders, including those sent by Amazon itself is OrderTracker. With these websites, we can access the shipping data updated at the time of the shipments that are made from the AliExpress, Amazon and eBay stores among others. Unlike Parcels, this website does not offer us an application for mobile devices to track shipments, although we can use the website from our mobile without problems.


Another interesting option that we can also use to track the number of tracking orders we make online is Ship24. Through this website, we can track national and international shipments of AliExpress, DHL, UPS, China Post, eBay and Wish among many others. Like OrderTracker, it does not provide us with an application for mobile devices that allows us to track the status of orders without using its website.

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