
So you can request the help of 5280 euros from SEPE if you do not work

Everything related to the search for a new job It is still just as complicated as these years ago. Hence, many people have to resort to unemployment, although this benefit, as many of you already know, is not eternal.

This means that the strike has an estimated duration depending on the time we have been working, so sooner or later, it comes to an end. Obviously almost no one wants to get to that situation, although on certain occasions it is inevitable. And it is necessary to take into consideration that, if a worker in our country is left without a job, he is entitled to unemployment benefits.

This is something that you have the possibility of requesting from the State Public Employment Service also known as SEPE. As we mentioned before, this is a benefit that lasts several months but obviously has an end. Therefore, that person who previously had a job can also find himself in the situation of having exhausted the unemployment benefit to which he was entitled, and still has not found a new job. Precisely in view of this uncomfortable situation, the very SEPE It offers us help that we may be able to access now in the middle of 2023.

Next, we will talk about it and the requirements that you will have to meet to access this help that we are talking about. To give you an idea, this benefit offered by the State Public Employment Service is actually an extraordinary aid for which we can receive up to 5,280 euros.

Requirements to receive aid from SEPE

Of course, we must take into account that it is distributed in a total of 11 months and we have the possibility of requesting it up to a maximum of 3 times. This means that we will receive the number of 480 euro monthly in that period.

It is worth mentioning that this is an additional aid known as Active Insertion Income, or RAI. This basically means that it is an extraordinary benefit that is intended especially for those workers who have difficulties finding a new job once the strike has ended. In short, the so-called RAI is aimed at those unemployed who need financial help since, after exhausting unemployment, or if they are not entitled to it, they lack financial resources.

know help

Obviously, for this, certain requirements must be met that we mention below:

  • It is aimed at long-term unemployed people, returned emigrants or with disabilities.
  • You must prove this condition and be registered as a job seeker for at least 12 months.
  • You must be over 45 and under 65.
  • Must have consumed contributory benefit In its whole.
  • Not having their own monthly income greater than 75% of the minimum interprofessional salary or SMI.
  • If you have a spouse or children under 26 years of age, adults with disabilities, or minors in foster care.
  • Victims of gender violence can access RAI.

In the event that we meet the requirements then we have just exposed, we will be able to request this help extraordinary to SEPE. This is something that we can do by accessing one of the official offices or even through the internet. If we opt for this second system, we will only have to access the official benefits website to carry out our request from home through the web browser.

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