
so you can take all your passwords to another program

For example, it is very important to try to make these passwords that we are talking about are as complex as possible. In addition, we must avoid its repeated use on multiple platforms or services. In this way, if one of them suffers some type of security violation, the rest of them password that we have established will not be in danger.

Obviously, in order to comply with these security measures that we are talking about, we will have to handle a good number of these elements, and they are also complicated. As it will be quite difficult to memorize all the passwords that we use at the moment, we can use solutions designed to help us. For example, this is the case with the popular password managers. These are in charge of storing these own elements in a secure and encrypted way.

To access these personal passwords we will do it through a master key that we establish when we create the account. There are many proposals of this type that we can use, both paid and free, to keep all our passwords securely. Perhaps one of the best known and most familiar to you is LastPass. This is an application that we can use both in our desktop PC as in the mobileto store and access all our keys safely.

However, over time this is a service that has suffered some security flaws, which is why some users have ended up mistrusting it.

Get all your LastPass passwords

It must be taken into account that we are talking about an extremely important and private element such as the personal passwords that we keep here. Therefore, it may be the case that we have made the decision to migrate our passwords from LastPass to some other platform or manager. It may also be the case that we have decided to keep a backup copy of these elements on our own and we plan to close the LastPass one.

To achieve this that we are telling you, what we are going to do is generate a file, either to save it, the site is safe, or to import it to another platform, with all our passwords. We are going to achieve this by authenticating some and accessing correctly in the manager that we have mentioned in these lines. Thus, in its main interface, specifically in Account options, we We find a menu entry that says Advanced Options.

export last pass

Here we are going to find the function that interests us in this case, which is Export. This will allow us to create a file in CSV format which we initially store in a safe place and which will contain all our passwords stored here. This file will be very useful both for importing it into any other platform in the form of a manager, or as a backup copy of these own elements.

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