If you are a Spotify user, it is more than likely that on more than one occasion you have allowed yourself to be advised with their recommendations. The system is not always correct, especially if you are very eclectic in terms of musical tastes, but at least in my case, I admit that thanks to this function I have discovered some groups and artists that I did not know at the time but that today are part of part of the music that I usually listen to on a regular basis. I am speaking, of course, of personalized recommendations, not of those based on the most listened to songs on the platform, new releases or anything like that.
I still remember, for example, when Spotify created the “Discovery Weekly” charts, many years ago. For several months they were the main source of music that accompanied me in my day to day. I also admit that initially I did not have high expectations, but the truth is that the experience was more than satisfactory. Then Apple Music came into my life and I started switching between the two services, using other sources to choose music and so on, but since then I tend to have more faith in this type of selection algorithms.
To choose personalized recommendations Spotify is based, of course, on your playback history. If you listen to such and such an artist, it is highly likely that you will also like a third one, and so on. ad infinitum. But, of course, sometimes it happens that you listen to some types of music for specific circumstancesbut that does not mean that it is the type of music that you want to find on the list of recommendations.
For example, there are quite a few people who like listen to classical music while working, but at the end of their working day they give rein to their musical tastes, which have little or nothing to do with classical music. Or we may use relaxing music to fall asleep, or that every day, for two or three hours, the little ones in the house make intensive use of the Spotify subscription listening to the great hits of CantaJuego. In all these cases, it is more than likely that you do not want to find this type of content in the personalized recommendations.
Well, the company has echoed this circumstance, responding to a demand from its users that comes from afar. Thus, and as we can read in For the record, his official blog, Spotify will finally let you exclude playlists from content taken into account for recommendations. In this way, we can tell the platform that no, we do not want to meet again with “I am a cup, a teapot, a spoon and a ladle» among a musical selection more tuned to your preferences.
The post does not cite a specific date for this tweak to be available, although it appears that its rollout is imminent. And in terms of its scope, it will be global, that is, it can be carried out in the apps for Android and iOS, on the desktop client and in the web version. To exclude a list from the musical preferences profile, we will only have to access it, click on “…” and click on the option enabled to exclude it.