One of the keys to little Grogu’s success – in our hearts he will always be Baby Yoda, right? – is that it is a character that inspires tenderness and need for care. His characteristic features generate in many a special attraction that has generated that the character of The Mandalorian is by far the one that reports the most benefits at the merchandising level. Now his little empire could be expanded with the arrival of a very special product: a tamagochi inspired by him. Who can resist carrying it in your pocket and taking care of it as if it were a baby?
Star Wars Grogu Tamagotchi
The Tamagotchi had a golden age during the 90’s and now it seems determined to bring back those wonderful years. The small device created by Bandai is the ideal gadget for those who like to adopt the role of caregiver, since the objective is to give all the necessary care to a tiny creature that will grow with the days -and become increasingly demanding, by the way.
Last year Bandai, its creator, already surprised us with a first rapprochement between Tamagochi and Star Wars with the release of an R2D2 version that drove fans of the George Lucas franchise crazy and now repeats play with Grogu, one of the undisputed protagonists of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian and who has become so world famous around the whole globe.
Depending on how you feed little Baby Yoda, the creature will transform into some of the 12 skins available (3 of them are secret), being the squid soup and the macaroni the foods that you will have to nourish it. Of course, if you give it too much squid soup, the squid will jump directly on it, so you must pay attention to the moment you are feeding it.
The device, which uses two LR44 batteries to work, also incorporates various mini-games that you can also access depending on how you interact with your creature – there are two additional ones that you can play at any time. You will also receive “guests”, who will appear as animated scenes and in the aforementioned games.
For ages 8 and up, it doesn’t need WiFi to work.
When will it be available?
You will be able to acquire the new Tamagochi Grogu in two versions: a simpler blue one, or the one called “Using the Force”, which also comes with a silicone cover included that is removable and that undoubtedly gives the little egg a nice touch, as well as better protecting it against any fall or blow .
The folks at Bandai have announced that it will soon be available on Amazon, Although for the moment, it has not given a date or an official price. Of course, we can be guided by the cost of the R2D2 model in Spain and which is usually around 30 euros -eye because it has been running out of many shop windows and with it its cost has also been rising slightly.
Have you already decided on the version you are going to buy?
The entry Star Wars: The Tamagochi arrives… from Grogu! was first published in The Output.