The Adecco Foundation launches a guide with the keys to understanding an employment contract

With an eye to facilitating the understanding of all the concepts to take into account when signing an employment contract, the Adecco Foundation launches a guide so that people with disabilities or comprehension difficulties have no doubts about everything they include.

Often times, the language used in employment contracts is too technical and difficult to understand for people who have cognitive difficulties, either due to disability or comprehension problems or because of language, especially those who have only been around for a short time. living in our country.

Not understanding well what they are signing is a serious problem for many employees who do not assimilate such important issues related to their salary, the vacations that correspond to them or aspects related to their working hours.

To facilitate the understanding of these documents, the Adecco Foundation has launched its first easy-to-read guide to read and understand an employment contract. With it, workers have a resource so that they are clear about their working conditions and can function better in the business and labor world.

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This will allow them to have a greater capacity to influence, participate, give their opinion and make basic decisions that affect the performance of their work. And it is that, as Francisco Mesonero, general director of the Adecco Foundation points out, “We believe that the understanding of an employment contract is a fundamental right for all citizens of which no person can be deprived”.

What to look at in an employment contract

With this in mind, this guide is designed with easy reading, a writing method that follows guidelines to ensure that the content is understood by people with cognitive difficulties. In this sense, the guide follows the drafting guidelines in accordance with the European guidelines for easy reading and has been validated by people with intellectual disabilities who have confirmed that the texts are clear and intelligible.

This has earned this Adecco Foundation guide certified with the easy-to-read European logo. “Easy reading helps us to translate technical and complex concepts into simpler and more accessible notions for people with more difficulties, allowing them to influence, participate, give their opinion and make basic decisions that, in this case, apply to an area as important as the professional “, explains Mesonero.

All this leads to the development of this guide with which to help facilitate and standardize labor inclusion of people with disabilities.

Regarding its content, the guide has five large sections that explain what a labor contract is and each of the parties involved, the general clauses that these contracts include, the types of labor contracts that exist, the specific clauses that they can include, as well as a series of tips and guidelines to take into account before signing a document of this type.

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