While we hope that the recent words of Brad Rau, director of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, effectively translate into a confirmation of the presence of Boba Fett on the show, the new Disney + animated series of Star Wars comes to the halfway point with the mid-season episode.
For the occasion, remembering that the new episodes of the original animated series are available every Friday in streaming, Disney Plus has released a brand new and exciting sneak peek from the Lucasfilm series available exclusively on the platform.
Plot and details of Star Wars: The Bad Batch
The new Star Wars animated series, sequel to The Clone Wars, follows Bad Batch’s elite group of experimental clones (first introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars) as they find their way through a fast-paced galaxy change in the immediate postwar period of the Clone Wars.
Dave Filoni (The Mandalorian, Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Athena Portillo (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels), Brad Rau (Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars Resistance) e Jennifer Corbett (Star Wars Resistance, NCIS) are the executive producers of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, while Carrie Beck (The Mandalorian, Star Wars Rebels) is the co-executive producer and Josh Rimes the producer (Star Wars Resistance).
Brad Rau also holds the role of supervising director with Corbett as lead writer.
What do you think? Are you following the first season of this TV series? Let us know with your comment below.