
The curious purchase restriction of the iPhone 13 Pro

There are many curiosities around Apple. As for example, iPhone number each person can buy. Until not long ago, there was no limit, but for a few years it is not possible to finalize the purchase through the brand’s online store with more than 2 units, but not in all models. And yes, all this has a justification.

If you enter the Apple Store online, you can see for yourself that it is possible to add any currently sold iPhone to your basket and add more units to the basket. However, if you choose a iPhone 13 Pro or 13 Pro Max, you will see that no more than 2 can be added. Yes, you can take two units of ’13 Pro ‘and another two of ’13 Pro Max’, but no more of that.

For him rest of iPhone There is no such limitation, and you can buy all the units you want from any of those for sale. Although it is true that it does not seem like a major problem, since normally no one makes massive purchases, it does arouse some curiosity. And even more so if we take into account that they are the only two devices that have this limitation.

iPhone 13 Pro purchase limit

Origin of this restriction

Although the company never officially confirmed the reasons for this limit, it has been known that they do it to avoid purchases with stolen cards. In the same way, this limit could also be established for prevent illegal sale devices without authorization. Why they chose 2 units and not 3, for example, is already a mystery about which not much is known.

Although if there is a possible reason for this it is lack of stock. Regardless of whether it is proven to be a legal and bona fide purchase, the company takes into account the few iPhone 13 Pro units due to the component crisis in the sector. And thanks to this limitation, what they seek is that a greater number of users can access the units that are available.

Regarding purchases in physical store, tell you that this limit is also present. We do not know if at any given time, explaining the situation to the seller, it is possible to buy 3 or more units, but at first they will not allow it. That’s as long as we talk about Apple, since in other stores Legally selling iPhones may not have these limits.

There are also contradictions

If the limitation to two units of the iPhone 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max seems strange, it will seem more strange that it is the only device of the company that has such a limit. In other devices do not put impediments to add to cart up to 999 units. See for example the MacBook Pro, very limited also for the same reason as the iPhone and yet they allow you to buy up to 6 units.

limits you buy apple

In this way we can have purchases as absurd as 999 pairs of AirPods, 999 iPad and 999 MacBook and only 2 iPhone 13 from the ‘Pro’ range. And this, as well as the reason why they are 2, is also a mystery. In theory, there are the same possibilities of finding scams with the purchase of several iPhones than in any other, and more with headphones that are infinitely cheaper.

Be that as it may, what we draw as a conclusion is that it will not matter how much money we have to buy iPhone. We may want to invest a real fortune in buying a good batch of units of the ‘Pro’, but we will have to go two by two. But hey, to give a certain real context to the matter, this is a very particular situation and that we frankly doubt that it will pose a problem for any average buyer.

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