
The details you (maybe) missed from the Stranger Things trailer

The wait is over. The fourth season of stranger things It is just around the corner. Never before has so much time passed between seasons, but finally on May 27, the series will return to Netflix. This week, Netflix has released the final trailer for the season. The production seems much darker and it seems that Netflix has bet everything on technical quality. However, the trailer is full of detailsand this is what we will discuss in the next few lines.

The 5 most important details of the Season 4 of Stranger Things

In a matter of a month, stranger things will launch his fourth season. The premiere will be in Two parts: The first five episodes will be released on may 27th and the final four a month later, the 1st of July. Netflix has already shown us a trailer that shows some of the scenes very briefly. In general, the series looks good. The production has leveled up and also the photography seems to have evolved to darker touches. Although, what is really surprising about the trailer is that the children of Stranger Things have grown quite a bit during this break, so we are going to have to stop calling them that.

However, there are many details that make us ask ourselves quite a few doubts, without gutting anything about the plot for the moment.


vecna stranger things

This monster that looks like the Night King of Game of Thrones gives name to the second chapter of the season and looks like he will be the new villain of the season. It is known that he references the Dungeons & Dragons game, and that he was the biggest villain of said RPG.

max has powers

We don’t know what we’ve missed, but in the trailer, Max appears levitating in the graveyard while visiting Billy’s grave. The funny thing is that Vecna ​​takes the same pose as her later on.

Production error or Stranger Things? probably the second

William Hargrove

Without leaving the cemetery. Billy’s grave clearly says ‘Billy Hargrove’. But, when the girl begins to levitate, you can read ‘William Hargrove’. Seeing the paranormal event, we do not believe that it is a raccord error.

Eleven’s powers are back

We still don’t know many of the details of Eleven’s past life. After losing her powers at the end of last season, everything indicates that she will recover them again. First, because in the trailer we see some frames from the past, and second, because episodes 7 and 8 have titles that invite us to think that we will visit the fateful laboratory again.

Is Victor Creel related to Vecna?

victor creel stranger things

This killer is known in Hawkings for killing his entire family and living in an insane asylum ever since. The character plays Robert Englundthe one who also gave life to Freddy Krueger in Nightmare in Elm street. In the September 2021 trailer, we saw that there was a relationship between the Upside Down and the Creel house, which is featured in this trailer as well. Could Vecna ​​be the reason Creel gouged out his eyes? Very soon we will leave doubts.

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