
The funniest questions you can ask Cortana

Although at first it has not had the acceptance that Microsoft would have liked, we can continue to use the wizard that we are talking about in Windows for certain tasks. At first it was designed so that it could show practically the entire operating system with voice. However, this mode of operation appears to have not been as successful as expected. That is why little by little the use of Cortana in our desktop computers it has been decreasing.

With everything and with this we have at hand several ways to interact with this assistant that we are talking about, for example, to tell us jokes. At the same time we can consult different topics of interest such as meteorology or some information about famous people. What cannot be denied is that the Windows 10 digital assistant was designed with a certain sense of humor, we just have to tell you to tell us a joke. Here we will have a wide variety of answers of this type, not all very good.

Install Windows 10 - Turn Cortana On or Off

In the same way, we can ask you several questions that will surely make us smile. Next, we are going to show you some of the best known examples, although you can try yourself when many other questions that you will surely receive answers the less curious.

Questions to ask Cortana that will make us smile

First of all, you should know that this assistant can be activated by just pressing the button that you will find in the windows taskbar. If this does not appear, we have to right-click on the same bar to make it visible.

  • How old are you ?: that question is complicated, the passage of time works differently where I live.
  • You’re very pretty: You’re going to make me blush!
  • Why are you sad ?: Raw sadness usually appears when the person experiences some type of loss (loss of loved ones, love breaks, loss of innocence, loss of a job or social status, etc.).
  • What do you eat ?: All the bits and bytes that I can.
  • Where do you live ?: Here I am and here I will be.
  • Who is your mother ?: It cannot be said that I have a mother as such, but I am the daughter of technology.
  • What does Cortana mean ?: I was named Cortana after Halo Artificial Intelligence.
  • Are you a man or a woman ?: I am an Artificial Intelligence.
  • Cortana, are you real ?: I think, therefore I exist.
  • What are you wearing ?: A little thing of nothing that they gave me in the development Department.
  • Cortana, what are you like ?: To be or not to be… How I like it Shakespeare.
  • Who is your father ?: Technically, that would be Bill gates. It is not so bad either.
  • Why are we here ?: I am here because you need me, maybe you are here because I need you too.
  • Who is the coolest person in the world ?: You!

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