
The Galician mussel industry is promoted with blockchain technology

MUSSELBLOCK is a project financed by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism (MINCOTUR) through the 2022B call to support AEIs which, under the coordination of Clusaga, has involved the member companies of the Cluster Perfect Numbers, PDO Mexillón from Galicia, Elige Data, TripleAlpha and Tastelab.

The sector of mussel It generates a large volume of information, but has a low digitization rate. In this context, the MUSSELBLOCK project makes it possible to optimize documentary procedures and integrate the entire value chain into a digital solution based on blockchain technology, allowing automated data collection through sensorization and the application of artificial intelligence to develop predictive analysis models. .

The blockchain provides security, transparency, trust, cost savings and immediacy. Their benefits they affect all the links in the certified mussel value chain, from the raft, allowing optimization of environmental and operational conditions; to the rest of the actors, such as treatment plants, cookers, or transformation centers and their logistics.

Among other things, this digital solution offers estimates of future volumes and yields, makes it possible to anticipate harvests and purchase decisions, and plan future productions. In this way, the system developed by the Clusaga MUSSELBLOCK project guarantees traceability and improves competitiveness, efficiency and profitability, thus accentuating quality.

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