
The Latest from Kanye West: A Player That Customizes Songs

Donda Stem Player

TO Kanye west It could be defined in multiple ways, and virtually all of them would be equally accurate. Because he gets into a multitude of arenas ranging from music, for what he really is or should be known for, to politics or entrepreneurship.

Well, it is from that last facet as an entrepreneur that this curious device comes from. The Donda Stem Player It is a device created by the Yeezy Tech brand of Kanye West and the electronics company Kano. The basis or idea of ​​this gadget is to allow “Customize” any song, but before we tell you how let’s talk about the product physically.

The first thing is to talk about the form factor. The player is circular in shape, similar to what could be a bar of soap and the outer part is made of silicone. A very characteristic finish, although it may make a lot of sense for what the device itself is.

Along with that finish, the player incorporates a USB C connector and a headphone jack. In addition to this, there are several buttons for controlling playback and volume. But the controls that really matter are the four touch bars that in turn light up and are in what we could consider as the front of the device.

These will be, in theory, controls that will allow you to customize the songs. Because the purpose or the particularity of this player is that, since as a player today there are many options and one that always goes with you: your smartphone.

For the rest, little to add beyond the internal battery that is charged through the USB C socket and also serves for data transfer. So now let’s talk about the technical characteristics.

The player includes a speaker, haptic engine, 8GB of storage, and support for a wide range of audio formats ranging from AIFF to ALAC, MP3, MP4, WAV, AAC, etc. And yes, it has Bluetooth connectivity. So you can output wirelessly to compatible speakers while also outputting the audio signal from the headphone jack.

How the Donda Stem Player works

Knowing the product on a physical level and its characteristics, how does Donda Stem Player work? Well, here comes the really curious thing, because the idea or the promise that it makes is that you can customize any song. Depending on the manufacturer, you can:

  • Control vocals, drums, bass and samples
  • Isolate pieces
  • Add effects
  • Divide the songs
  • Modify the playback speed
  • Create loops easily
  • Customize the player and much more

These would be some of the main or most important features, but surely there are more details that may come in the future through software updates. Although more than reading what we tell you, take a look at these videos and it will be a bit clearer what the product consists of.

Interesting right? It is basically having a mixer in your hand with which you can control what is playing in real time. Logically, those who have no idea about mixing music may not get anything really interesting, or yes. Because it does not seem very complex, something else will be the taste of each one and experience to know when to isolate the voice, vary the rhythm or create a loop.

Price and release date

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The Donda Stem Player can now be reserved and its price will be 200 dollars. Of course, as much as you like it, you will not be able to buy more than three units, which gives an idea of ​​the interest that can arouse in all those users who love music, both those who create it and those who enjoy making their own mixes.

So if you are interested, you just have to visit the website.

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