
the new version fixes 110 bugs and bugs

To carry out all our work related to office automation, we do not need to pay, as is the case with the solution that Microsoft offers us. We can use more than reliable solutions such as the open source suite, LibreOffice.

This could be considered the most interesting and beloved alternative to Office in the entire globe. It has been with us for many years receiving updates to become one of the leaders in the office software sector. Much of the blame for all this lies with its developers, The Document Foundation, due to the constant updates that they send to their clients. In fact, this is the case that concerns us at the moment.

And it is that the new version of the office suite has just been launched and it is recommended to install it as soon as possible. Specifically, we refer to LibreOffice 7.4.4 fixing up to 110 bugs detected in the open source and cross-platform solution. It must be taken into account that this new update arrives almost two months after the last version of the suite, 7.4.3. Well then, to give us an idea of ​​this new update which will reach us now, brings with it even more bug fixes than the previous one mentioned.

libreoffice version

Obviously, with all this, its developers are trying to achieve a more stable and reliable product for daily use in offices or at home. To give us an idea of ​​the importance of installing this new version as soon as possible, we will tell you that in total it corrects 110 bugs and other problems that were detected in previous versions. Basically with these corrections what is achieved is to improve the work with the different documents that we created in the suite.

How to download the new version of LibreOffice

As it could not be otherwise, these corrections that we are discussing refer to all the programs that are part of the office suite. This is intended to improve both the user experience and the compatibility with all types of documents that we create here. Largely due to the enormous amount of bug fixes that have been included, its top managers recommend updating to the new version as soon as possible.

For all those who are interested, say that it is already available through the official website of The Document Foundation. At the same time, we must keep in mind that we have the possibility of installing this series of programs both on our computer based on windowsWhat linux or macOS. All of you who install the recently sent version of the office suite should take into consideration that, as a whole, the LibreOffice 7.4 series will receive support until June 12, 2023.

suite interface

Furthermore, it is hoped that before making the version 7.5, two more point versions are released. Specifically, we are referring to LibreOffice 7.4.5, which is expected for early March, and LibreOffice 7.4.6, which should finally be released in mid-May of this year.

Meanwhile, The Document Foundation will release the next major version of its popular cross-platform, open source office suite, LibreOffice 7.5, bringing more new features and improvements. LibreOffice 7.5 should arrive sometime in February 2023.

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