These 5 Chrome extensions have changed the way I use Gmail

Google mail, or Gmail, is the most used worldwide. Nowadays practically everyone has a Gmail email account, if not more, and we use them both in the personal sphere and in the work environment. In addition to the mobile apps, to read the mail from the computer Google allows us to enter its own web page. However, while it does the job, this webmail client leaves a lot to be desired. Luckily, it is possible to improve it thanks to the use of extensions.

The extensions They are those small programs that are installed within the web browser and that allow us to make use of functions and features that we would not otherwise have. For example, we can add features to the browser, improve services, activate VPN, manage passwords or block trackers, among many other functions. Some work on all websites, while others, like the ones we are going to see in this article, are designed to improve the experience of a specific service, such as Gmail in this case.

Next, we are going to leave you 5 essential extensions for any Gmail user. Once we try them we will no longer be able to live without them.

Pause Gmail

When we create an email account, it is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And that complicates some mental health practices, such as digital disconnection. That is precisely what this extension addresses us. Thanks to Pause Gmail we will be able to “pause” our email account and leave it on standby temporarily so that, when it is reactivated, we will suddenly receive all the emails that were left in the air.

Checker Plus for Gmail

Do you receive emails and you don’t know? This extension helps you do away with it. Checker Plus for Gmail is a simple extension that allows us to add an email notifier on the right side of the browser’s address bar. It constantly checks if there are new messages in our inbox and, if it detects any, it shows us a notification. Also, if the notification is ignored for whatever reason, it will also show us an indicator next to the icon so that, when we see it, we know how many unread emails we have in the inbox.


Have you read my mail? In WhatsApp we have, for example, the double check that allows us to know when a message has been delivered and when it has been read. Mailtrack It brings that same function to Gmail. Thanks to this extension we will be able to find out instantly when the recipient reads our emails and counts the number of clicks and openings of each one.

We can use this extension for free, with some limitations. For example, we can only send messages to 200 contacts at a time and the email signature sent with this platform is included. If we pay, we remove the limitations and we will have other features, such as link tracking.

Email Comments

Another very useful extension, especially when we use Gmail emails at work, is Email Comments. This extension brings one of the coolest features of Google Docs, document comments, directly to email. We can open a comment thread in any email, where only the recipients will be able to read and reply. Thus, this extension will help us reduce and simplify those long and endless email chains.

This extension is totally free.


Lastly, if we are one of those who send voice notes via WhatsApp instead of writing the message, why not also do it with email? This is where Vocal comes into play, a service (with its corresponding extension) that allows us to send audio messages through Gmail in a very similar way to WhatsApp. With one click we can record the message and send it attached to the email so that whoever receives it can listen to it, even without having to install anything on the recipient’s computer.

The free version allows us to send 50 audio notes per month, with a maximum of 1 minute each. If we need more we will have to pay.

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