On March 1st, your membership of Netflix It will continue to cost the same, but more than 160 episodes of various Disney series will disappear from the platform’s list. Some Netflix users have been warned that they will be able to view the series of Marvel superheroes from your platform until February 28. After that date, the rights will return to Disney. However, it is not certain that from that day on, we will be able to see these series in the Disney + catalog. Some consider that they are still too violent how to publish them on that platform.
Netflix Says Goodbye to Marvel Studios Heroes
Netflix arrived in Spain in 2015. If you have a good memory, you will remember that one of the first series we could see on the platform was Daredevil. Well, the fates of Matt Murdock and Netflix will separate later this month. And it won’t be the only one. They will also return to Disney Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, The Defenders, The Punishers Y luke cage.
Disney+ will soon be two years old. And so far, they had done nothing to recover the series that they had published on the Netflix billboard. Apparently, the reason for not integrating these series into Disney Plus was violence. However, that concept seems to have changed for Disney. during the production of Moon Knight. According to an interview with Kevin Feige, Disney seems to have pushed the boundaries of what they consider a ‘acceptable violence’.
Disney changes his mind (as Moon Knight)
According to Feige, the Dark and brutal tone of Moon Knight has not displeased Disney. And, by opening that door, it would no longer make sense to continue discriminating series like Daredevil or The Punisher for being violent. On the other hand, we have recently seen characters from these series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For example, Murdock makes a quick appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Homeand Kingpin is the villain of Hawk Eye. It would be absurd to continue to have these series on a competing platform when they are using some of their characters in their Marvel series and movies.
Most likely, this change that Moon Knight has generated in Disney will make all those series mentioned land on Disney Plus. However, some experts do not rule out that Disney transfer all those TV series to Hulusince they have not published a single press release about the fate of all these productions, and have even managed to dodge questions from journalists.
In any case, there is only two possible readings. The first is that Disney takes a step back, and recognizes that it cannot put the brakes on creativity. If their new approach is to leave the princesses aside, they will have to deal with the day-to-day life of a superhero, with its pros, its cons and its twaves of violence On the other hand, if these series end up on Hulu, this entire maneuver will simply have been a play forto make the Netflix catalog somewhat less attractive facing consumers.