these websites allow you to create temporary email addresses

SPAM is one of the biggest scourges of email. Every day, everyone’s inbox receives dozens of spam emails, from messages sent by hackers to sales newsletters and advertisements sent for commercial purposes. Almost always, the purpose of this SPAM is to annoy us and try to make us fall for it, be it with an offer, a discount coupon, a “phishing”, etc. However, there is a very simple way to eradicate this problem: throwaway disposable mail.

Throwaway emails, as their name suggests, are email addresses that we can create for free in a matter of seconds and that we have at our disposal for a short period of time (a few minutes). When the time runs out, the mail is destroyed, along with all the messages we have received in it, leaving no trace. In this way, all the sites where we have used this email address will send their “spam” emails to a non-existent address.

We can use these email addresses for all kinds of uses, just like if we had a Gmail or Outlook address. We can use it to register on websites that we are going to use only once, when someone asks us for an email and we do not trust it, to log in to applications, etc. We do not recommend using this type of email in online stores or on websites that we are going to use often since, as we indicated, after the established time the email address will disappear. And, with it, any possibility of, for example, recovering the account. For these cases we recommend using a second live accountwhich we will only visit when we need it.

We are going to see the best websites to create these temporary emails totally free.


Without a doubt, the best known, oldest and simplest. Just by entering this website we can automatically see our temporary mail, and a 10-minute countdown, which will be the lifetime of our address. We use this email account to register, validate the email, and that’s it. The emails appear in the form of a list at the bottom of the window.

We can close the window that, when the time runs out, the mail will disappear. If we need more than 10 minutes, we can get another 10 minutes simply by clicking on the button that appears.

Enter 10MinteMail.

temporary mail

As its name suggests, this website allows us to create temporary email addresses, to use and throw away, to use it for what we need. Every time we enter the web, a new email account is generated, which is valid for up to 6 months. Of course, the messages we receive in this account are automatically deleted every 48 hours.

Among its main characteristics we can highlight, for example, the possibility to protect mail with password so we can take advantage of it during those 6 months. The mail data is saved in the browser cache, so when we enter the web again we will have the same inbox at our disposal. In addition, we can recover an inbox if we have lost it, or create our own custom alias.

Go to Temporary Mail.

Temp Mail

This is another of the best known temporary mail services. Just by entering the web we will see a temporary email address created and ready to use wherever we want. At the bottom we will see our inbox, which will be where the emails we receive appear. In addition, we have several controls for our temporary mail, such as the possibility of changing its alias, and even deleting it by hand when we don’t need it.

Access Temp Mail.

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