
They leak Valve’s source code and publish a Half-Life never seen before

Half-Life Compressed

A few weeks ago the internet was surprised by the publication of valve secret files. It was nothing more and nothing less than the largest leak ever seen on Valve, since it included game repositories of 2016such as Portal 2, Half-Life 2 (Episodes 1 and 2), Half-Life 2 multiplayer and Team Fortress 2. And of course, among all those files some very interesting things have appeared.

Where do those files come from?

Everything is born in Discord. A user with the name WandererLeaker He assured that he no longer had legal ties to the archives, and that basically he did not care. He wanted to share them, and he did. Apparently she had them in his possession since 2016, and had not previously shared them due to the persecution he had suffered since then, receiving threats in case he did. But now, at last, she has been able to share his secrets with the world.

According to experts on the subject, these files used to be data packages that third parties received from Valve for distribution. Among the files you can find for example thousands of maps, models, PSD files, and hundreds of files and resources that the modding community will welcome with open arms. To give you an idea, there a 61 GB package exclusively related to Team Fortress 2.

A new Half Life

But if there is something especially interesting among all the files, it is what the youtuber McVicker has managed to shape. This is a compressed version of Half-Life that brings together all the features and actions experienced in the game. It’s kind of a developer-only mode where they were testing each of the features included in the campaign, but instead of creating little test rooms to test them, it ended up evolving into a little adventure that brought together everything possible to try.

The result is a small adventure of little more than 20 minutes that serves to experience all the climax of Half-Life, but without going through the long game sessions until reaching the end of the game. And no, there is no story or plot here, just mechanics to complete.

It is downloadable?

Those who are asking, yes. This game mode is available for download via a Mediafire link, since the person who compiled the installer has decided to share it with the rest of the world. In any case, if all you want is to take a look at how it looks and what mechanics are presented, you have the full gameplay in the video that you have a little above.

DOWNLOAD Half-Life Abridged

Does this bring us closer to Half-Life 3?

half life 3

This question stopped making sense a long time ago, so you’d better forget about it forever. Get over.

Via: PCGamesN

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