There’s nothing like reimagining updated those games that we liked so much a decade or more years ago, when we were still candid youngsters and responsibilities didn’t take up so much of our time, so we could invest those hours in wonders like this bully rock starone of his best titles but also more conflictive and controversial that hit stores in October 2006 for PlayStation 2.
Too controversial for 2022?
And when we say that bully It was a controversial game, we say it with a small mouth, because it had the luck to land in stores at a time when issues such as bullying were already beginning to permeate society but had not reached the levels of shouting debate typical of what we are experiencing now thanks to social networks. We are sure that if Rockstar put its video game up for sale now, the pressures would be unbearable and the same would have to go out to apologize and remove it from stores to leave it in a drawer with the label “politically incorrect”.
Be that as it may, for millions of gamers bully It is one of those titles that marked his adolescence and youth and that, leaving aside controversies, entertained them to levels never seen within the universe of Rockstar franchises. So any work that someone dedicates to dignifying the memory of this classic seems perfect to us. And a youtuber Accustomed to rejuvenating old glories, he has done his thing again. His name is TeaserPlay and we have already told you on other occasions similar works that he has done around, for example, another illustrious known as GTA San Andreas.
Unreal Engine 5 to amaze us all
The fact is that TeaserPlay has now dared with bullywho has gone through his churrera (said in a good way) of Unreal Engine 5 and it has shown us what the game would look like adapted to the new graphic technologies that we can deploy on PS5, Xbox Series X or PC. And the truth is that the results are spectacular, with a level of realism that only multiplies the desire for Rockstar, once and for all, to resume its franchise again.
Right here above you can check the differences between the graphic aspect that bully originally showed and the one updated with Unreal Engine 5. And we don’t know if you want us to comment on something, but the differences are obvious, both in the realism of the textures and in the appearance of lighting, movements and surfaces that reflect everything around them what appears drawn on stage. It is a real joy.
Remember that bully is always one of the names that reach the media when the rumor of the return of a new game that Rockstar could launch on the market arises, although, seeing the rate of development carried out by the Americans, we very much fear that we will have to wait a few years to see our dreams come true. For now stay with this remake visual of the classic and don’t beat your head too much thinking what could have been if this marvel had arrived today on our consoles… and not in 2006.