Here we refer to a program that allows us to upload and download these torrent files in the best way thanks to all the functions it offers us. For this we only have to download it from its official website and install it on our PC. Then, and directly, we can start using this application for the aforementioned purposes. A priori, the program does not need any configuration, since by default it is prepared to start working from scratch.
This is something very useful for those users who do not want to complicate themselves, or who do not have the necessary knowledge to do so. At the same time the most advanced have the possibility to take a look at their configuration section to customize how qBittorrent works. Here we are going to find a good number of parameters that allow us to adjust the software to the maximum and thus get all the performance out of it. Of course, to achieve this it is essential to have certain minimum knowledge, but configuring a Torrent client is not too complicated.
In the case at hand, this is something that we can achieve through the menu option Optional tools. A new window will appear with all the settings and parameters necessary to get the most out of qBittorrent. In fact, in these lines we are going to show you how make it download faster managing the number of simultaneous downloads.
Configure downloads in qBittorrent to improve it
Well, what we are specifically referring to in this section and that will allow us to download Torrent files in a faster and more efficient way, we see it in the aforementioned configuration window. Once we have it on the screen, we go to the section called BitTorrent which we see in the left panel. Next, and if we take a look at the right panel, we will see that we have the possibility of set a maximum number of active torrent files both up and down.
In this way we can limit the number of simultaneous connections depending on the available bandwidth. This is one step we can take here, but we also recommend this other feature to get rid of slower seeds. And it is that a little further down, in the same section called Queued Torrents, we can rule out slow connections depending on your speed.
This allows us to use the number of simultaneous connections established above, but without counting those below the speed that we indicate. In this way what we achieve is work only with those high-yielding seeds that will provide us with a faster download. In addition, this is one of the many configurations that we can carry out from this same window to optimize the operation of the program.
Keep in mind that qBittorrent is one of the most popular proposals of this type and that it offers us some very interesting functions. In addition to all the customizable parameters, we can also highlight the Torrent search engine that it integrates.