
This change speeds up Ubuntu, although it puts your security at risk

Although it may seem otherwise, there are many users who, when starting a new computer, try to avoid using Windows at all costs. All this despite being the most popular desktop operating system. For this we have other interesting proposals such as the Linux system, Ubuntu.

If we focus on these open source distributions, most of them free, the one mentioned is one of the most used and loved in the sector. Not in vain it could be considered that Ubuntu is one of the great representatives of all Linux for many. Of course, as it happens in most software sectors, this title has both supporters and detractors.

Be that as it may, in these lines we are going to focus on this operating system and today we are going to talk about how to start it up more easily and quickly. What we are actually going to achieve with this change in its configuration is to run the software from scratch in a more fluid way and to be able to start working as soon as possible. And it is that on certain occasions this will come in handy to be able to access all our Ubuntu applications and data in a much more immediate way.

It must be taken into consideration that, as with most operating systems, it proposes some security features prior to its commissioning. However, we can skip some of them in order to run the operating system as soon as possible. This is something that is sure to be of use to many of the users of the open source Linux distribution.

Remove the startup password on Ubuntu Linux

Of course, we must take into consideration and very seriously that the configuration elements that we are going to eliminate from the system can put security at risk of this. This means that if we work with other people, they could have access to our applications and data. But in the event that we work alone and no one else has access to the laptop, this functionality allows us to start working more quickly. Actually, what we are going to do is dispense with the usual welcome screen that we find in this operating system, as well as do not use an access password the same.

To make this change in the software configuration, the first thing we do is start Ubuntu in a conventional way. Once it has started we have to access its configuration screen, for example, by right-clicking on the desktop. This will allow us to click on the shortcut called Setting, where we will see that a multitude of different sections appear located on the left side of the window.

Ubuntu password

The one that interests us in this case is the so-called Users. We click on it to see the available options. By default, both the home screen and the password request are enabled. Therefore, at this point in the first place what we do is activate the selector called Log in automatically. At the same time in the Password field we specify None. With these two simple changes we will run the operating system in a faster way.

These changes can be made effective for each of the users that we have registered in Ubuntu individually.

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