
This is how I have studied the computer science career from home and for free: follow this complete agenda

Many end up at university doing the corresponding studies to become a professional computer scientist. Many others do not have that possibility, do not have time or simply do not feel like it. Next, we are going to talk about a series of courses corresponding to the university study plan so that you can carry them out comfortably from your home. These resources that we are going to present to you focus on the university studies of the Open Source Society University.

Portable Visual Studio Code

Introduction to programming

We find the first steps we can take to learn to program, all focused on the Python language. We found a good number of sections that we will have to review. We will delve into Computer Science.


Once we are clear about the beginnings from scratch of the world of programming, we will have to move forward with these other resources. To start coding your own projects, we must follow these contents.

Mathematics applied to computer science

Perhaps those who are not initiated in this sector of software do not know it, but everything related to math and calculus It is basic to study programming. Here we find a series of courses that will allow us to learn mathematics and calculation applied to this type of environment.

Information systems

Now is when we go into the computer systems as such with these courses. Here we will learn the basic principles of computers and we will enter the world of operating systems. We will begin to work with networks and learn the different structures that we are going to find in them.

Theories related to programming

Everything related to the world of programming and coding in different languages ​​covers many environments and sectors. Now we find a series of resources focused on learning structures, variables, algorithms, dynamic programming and more.


It goes without saying that everything related to the security in our software developments it is increasingly important. That is precisely why there is a section especially dedicated to all this between these courses. We will learn everything related to the fundamentals of security in programming, as well as how to identify possible vulnerabilities.

Applications development

Obviously when we enter this sector, one of our objectives is to develop our own projects and programs. The courses that we will show you below focus on this.

Ethics in software development

When creating our own projects in this sense we must maintain certain rules and respect some behaviors. This is precisely what the contents which we are talking about now.

Programation advance

Once we are clear about basic concepts related to programmingwe are going to continue to delve into more advanced coding.

advanced systems

In this case we are going to delve into the programming structures more advanced once we are clear about everything else.

Security of the information

When creating our own more professional projects, we must also pay special attention to security.

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