
This is why you have to say goodbye to WhatsApp

Surely we have ever hadSome problem with the WhatsApp appeither because it has been dropped the app or because we want to do some function or change and we could not do it. Therefore, today we are going to analyze an app, native to Apple, that has many advantages over WhatsApp and other instant messaging apps, such as iMessage.

Main advantages of iMessage over WhatsApp

Apple’s native iMessage app has some advantages over the main social networks we currently use and which we are going to analyze below:

  • Security and privacy: If Apple is characterized by something, it is for offering impeccable security on its devices. iMessage was not going to be an exception and being part of the Apple ecosystem means that all your conversations are protected and encrypted in such a way that even Apple itself does not know what you write or do with your contacts.
  • You can play: With iMeesage we have the possibility to play a game with our friends who also use iMessage in a really entertaining way. You don’t have this type of service in WhatsApp or Telegram, so it’s the perfect excuse to start using this app with your friend who also has an Apple device.

iPhone iMessage

  • Delete messages from time to time: This function is available on Telegram but not on WhatsApp, but it is a very interesting solution if you want to keep a private or important conversation and do not want it to be recorded. You can determine that every X minutes, all messages sent from the app are deleted.
  • Possibility of sending a message from several devices: Apple’s ecosystem allows you to send a message through the iMessage app from a Mac or iPad without having to synchronize anything. Apple’s own operating system is responsible for carrying out the entire process.
  • Edit messages: If you want to edit a message that you have sent with a misspelling or something, you can do it in the iMessage app by clicking on the message, where a pop-up will appear and you click on edit. It is very interesting if you are having a private or important conversation.


Common aspects with WhatsApp

iMessage and WhatsApp have many sections in common which make them two instant messaging apps that are in high demand among users. Among some of the functions that they share is the possibility of sharing and deleting messages, sharing your location in real time or through a notification, audios, as well as sending files. Practically, the same functions that are required, as a minimum, to be able to have a good conversation with your co-workers, family or friends. The operating interface is very similar to WhatsApp, although in this sense, all the apps work more or less under the same usability and user experience.

imessage improvements

Obviously, we are not going to fool ourselves and iMessage has some limitationsThe main one being that it can only be used between Apple devices. However, it is a problem that can be easily fixed, as Apple already did with Apple Music. Therefore, all iMessage lovers hope to enjoy this app with all friends and family.

Leave us in the comments if you consider that iMessage is a great alternative to WahtsApp

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