If the desire to play classic games again continues to eat you up inside, don’t worry. In the market there are thousands of options with which to be able to play emulators of hundreds of consoles with which you can relive your years of extreme gaming, but if you want something compact, that works well, and that has complete features, take a look at the Powkiddy RGB20S.
A portable console to play emulators
The Powkiddy RGB20S is a console that imitates the format of the original Gamy Boy, but that adjusts to the current times with a color LCD screen, analog sticks And till four triggers. Its small dimensions do not prevent the control options from offering the same number of buttons as a current gamepad, and that is perhaps one of the advantages of this model, since with the two analog controllers we can play more current games .
Inside is a 1.5 GHz quad-core RK3326 chip that will be able to run emulators for platforms up to 32 bits (PlayStation). His 3.5 inch IPS screen It’s perfect for classic console emulators, as the screen format perfectly matches the game’s resolution.
Quite a few hours of play
With the help of its 3,500 mAh battery, the console will be able to offer you a total of 5 hours of gameplay, so you will have plenty of time to spare to play the console before you have to charge again through your USB-C port.
An ideal size to carry it always
Thanks to its small dimensions, you can carry the console and thousands of games in your pocket whenever you want. Based on product reviews on Amazon, it appears the product comes with a memory card with games pre-installed on it, so in theory you could start playing right away as soon as you receive it.
The best offer with shipping from Spain
The price of this console is usually around 160 euros, but now thanks to this offer you can get it for only 106 euro with direct shipping from Spain, so buying it today you could receive it tomorrow.