this popular card suffers a cyberattack

In addition to conventional bank cards, in recent years a type of virtual card ideal for making purchases over the Internet and sharing expenses with friends has gained great popularity. These financial companies rely 100% on the cloud to reduce costs and thus offer users who pay with their cards certain rewards in the form of discounts or commission refunds, among many others. However, this cost reduction also applies to security. And, therefore, one of the most popular Fintech, Revolutyou have just been the victim of a massive computer attack.

Just a week ago, specifically on Saturday September 10, a group of hackers exposed the security of the Revolut cloud, gaining access to the personal and banking data of a significant number of users. Specifically, as reported by the company, the hackers managed to steal the data of more than 50,000 customers of this company. Of all these clients, more than 20,500 belong to Europe.

Among the data that has been stolen from the company are the following:

  • Email addresses.
  • Complete names.
  • Postal addresses.
  • Telephone numbers.
  • Limited information about payment methods.
  • User account information.

In addition to data theft, some customers have found that inappropriate messages were found when opening a chat. It is not known if this deface is part of the hack or, if not, there is another computer attack behind it. But, be that as it may, at all times, those responsible for Revolut have insisted that their clients’ money has not been compromised.

Immediately, as soon as those responsible for Revolut became aware of the attack, they disconnected from the network to mitigate the impact. But the damage was done. And, as required by law, they immediately reported the event and began to investigate its magnitude. Bank details, passwords and PIN codes, initially, have not been compromised.

How can I know if I am a victim of Revolutgate?

The company has ensured that all victims of data theft have already been notified via email. Therefore, if we have not received any messages (we should check the SPAM folder, just in case), our data has not been compromised.

Otherwise, the security flaw has already been solved and our bank information will not run data. Of course, we must bear in mind that our data is in the hands of pirates. And that, soon, all kinds of scams will begin to take place through phishing attacks. The first, without going any further, has already seen the light of day, and tries to trick users into entering their bank details on a website called “revolut-card-cancel”.[punto]com”. Therefore, we must take extreme precautions.

If we stay safer, we can delete all the cards that we have created on this platform and create new cards, with new data, to make sure that nothing and no one can use them without our permission. Also, if we bet on the paranoid mode, we can extract all our money sending it to a bank account, and completely closing our account.

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