The versatility and usefulness of current Internet browsers can hardly be doubted at this time. However, not everything is going to be advantages what this type of program offers us in particular. They are also prone to causing some problems. One of the most common is high CPU and RAM consumption they carry out.
Here are many factors that influence this serious inconvenience that affects proposals such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc. And it is that in addition to the program itself, to all this we must add the consumption carried out by other elements such as the add-ons that we install through the tabs that we open. To all this is added that some of the websites that we visit also handle certain contents that make use of a good amount of our resources.
At the same time that many elements come into play here, there are also several solutions that we can use to correct this problem. Obviously one of the most effective solutions is to close the tabs that we do not use, you can install the unnecessary extensions. But while this solution is effective, it cannot be said to be the most useful or functional. It is for all this reason that the continuation we are going to talk about a change in the configuration of most browsers that can be of help to you.
This will help us so that the browser consumes less CPU or processor of our equipment. So we can use this component in other tasks.
Hardware acceleration to save CPU
This change in program settings refers to enabling hardware acceleration. This is a feature that, when running, makes use of the computer’s GPU by default for certain demanding jobs and so on. free up part of the CPU ago. This is a functionality that we generally find in most of the current web browsers, among many other programs. For example, Mozilla Firefox is enough for us to open its Settings page and locate the section corresponding to Performance. Here we are going to find the box that allows us to activate this type of acceleration that we are talking about.
Something similar happens to us if we refer to the Microsoft Edge browser, although in this case, after accessing its configuration page, we have to go to the System and performance section. Here we will find the corresponding selector to enable hardware acceleration. Regarding Google Chrome, this is a functionality that we will find in the System section. Therefore, as we see, at least in the main current browsers, we easily find this function. So we can save CPU quickly and easily on our PC.
It is worth mentioning that, to give you an idea, without having a PC that is too demanding, we will see a difference of around 10% of CPU use having the hardware acceleration on or off. As the demands get higher, the GPU will take on a higher workload, freeing up the CPU even more.