
Three reasons why you shouldn’t install Final Cut Pro on iPad

hardware limitations

Final Cut Pro X is available for those processors that have first or second generation Apple Silicon, you can only buy it in those iPad Air and iPad Pro versions. However, the main problem does not lie there, but in other hardware limitations.

final cut pro ipad

Most iPads equip 8GB of RAM, an insufficient capacity for many users who want to use the infinite editing possibilities that Final Cut Pro X offers. To all this, we have to add storage, since both the iPad Pro and the iPad Air have 128 and 64 GB of unified SSD memory, a very small capacity because, when you start working with large files or need to create a complex project, you probably do not have the capacity to work with the solvency that a professional project requires.

final cut ipad pro

It is also important to highlight the temperature that the iPad can reach in the video export and rendering processes, since we do not know if, despite its power and capacity offered by Apple Silicon, we do not know if the iPad will be able to run it. with a solvency similar to the most basic MacBook Air or Pro, since they will have a similar price.


All Final Cut Pro lovers know that to extract your Maximum potentialyou can install third-party plugins that allow you to extract the full potential of the native Apple app.

In this sense, it is not known if Apple is going to allow plugins to be installed in this application and, if it allows them, how it will be carried out since the download system, although very similar to macOS, has certain differences which can be key.

We also do not know if the plugins that we have used for Mac will work for iPadOS and if so, how fit to the new iPad architecture.


The Final Cut Pro version is priced at 4.99 euros per month, very different from the single payment of 329 euros that takes place on Macs. Therefore, we are facing a new Apple strategy that certifies the financial twist from the company to the subscription software.

Final Cut and Logic Pro iPad

The problem that generated this movement is that if a user has purchased the version of Final Cut Pro for Mac, now they will have to pay 4.99 euros per month for having an exclusive version for iPad. Many users may feel cheated, especially if they have recently purchased the version for macOS.

TO mode of conclusion, all Apple users are very happy that Cupertino engineers and designers have adapted one of the best video editing programs in the world to iPad. However, only time will tell if this app will be a substitute to the Mac version or, a plugin.

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