Tinder, the number one dating app, has partnered with the French government to encourage users to visit the 1 young 1 solution platform. The goal is to help characters between the ages of 18 and 25 find a summer job.
After the ability to check whether your match has a criminal record or not, Tinder is expanding its scope. In addition to being the ideal place for one-night stands, the application will now help users aged 18 to 25 to find a summer job!
Indeed, the application to 500 million downloads signed a partnership with the Government Information Service for the launch of a new awareness campaign. From June 9 to July 31users will see several banners slipping between user profiles.
These Swipes Card will invite you to go to the 1jeune1solution platform. Launched in 2020 by the French government, this platform allows young people to find solutions for their future, in the short and long term. In particular, they can find advertisements for jobs, internships, training, civic service missions, etc.
Also read: Tinder launches its own currency to facilitate dating
Tinder wants to help people aged 18-25 find summer jobs
And with the approach of the summer period, many companies are looking for seasonal workers, in multiple fields (catering, hotels, home help, education, retail, etc.). In total, users will be able to find no less than 70,000 summer job offersé on the platform. After having helped more than 6 million young people in the search for their job since its creation, 1jeune1solution has therefore decided to partner with Tinder to go further.
It must be said that there is urgency, since as has been proven an Ipsos study published in March 2021, 72% of 18-25 year olds have experienced financial difficulties since the start of the pandemic. “By providing access to the 1jeune1solution site via the Tinder app, we hope to be able to help our members access the information and support needed to apply for the summer job of their dreams and gain relevant professional experience, in a simple and intuitive way”. assures Benjamin Puygrenier, spokesperson for Tinder France.
Source: Tinder