Teleworking was a residual practice before the pandemic, as only 6% of employees had enjoyed it more than three days a week. After the outbreak of the health crisis, all these numbers have changed and today, remote work is a general trend.
All of this has brought with it a series of substantial changes in the way we work. The HR management It has changed and there are a number of trends that will accompany us in the coming months. Plus flexibility, project work, teleworking … Now, employees leave or enter shifts, to avoid crowds, they have flexibility, part of their working day is done from home, and so on.
All this implies a new paradigm in time control. Grupo SPEC analyzes what those are trends that will set the stage in 2022.
1. Goodbye to the “tight” office
If there is a trend that will define the framework in which HR management will develop, it is undoubtedly the disappearance of what has been called a “tight” office. Gone is the traditional office, with fixed hours, with entrances and exits of all employees at the same time, presence and hierarchical spaces. Nowadays, and more and more, spaces are flexible, the same as the schedule, and there is not such a marked distinction of hierarchical levels in the company.
2. Project work
It is a reality that has already been talked about in the last year, but next year it will be something that will be implemented in a much more conscious way: work for projects or objectives in those companies that is possible. It has been shown that counting only the hours of work is not an effective method to assess the productivity of an employee, rather, the performance of your work is better valued through the projects you carry out.
3. Time control: inputs and outputs by shifts and mixed model
One of the consequences that the pandemic has undoubtedly brought with it is the profound reorganization of work shifts. In those companies in which a shift schedule is established, due to the type of work carried out, they have opted for a staggered entry and exit to avoid crowds and thus achieve social distance. All this has been a challenge in the field of time control. Similarly, for the next few months, as Grupo SPEC points out, it is expected that the mixed model, that is, the one that combines teleworking with face-to-face, continues to be the general trend.
4. Virtual recruitment
2021 is being the year of virtualization, started in 2020 after the outbreak of the health crisis. This virtualization has spread to all areas of the company and has come, as indicated by Grupo SPEC, to the field of recruitment. Talent recruitment has gone from being local to global. The rise of telecommuting has made it possible for companies to have staff located in any country. In fact, according to a published study, only 40% of job interviews in Spain were carried out in virtual format before the Covid-19 crisis. After the pandemic, that number has changed substantially.
5. The four-day shift
More and more voices are coming together in favor of a four-day working day. In fact, some companies in Spain, such as Telefónica or Desigual, with different initiatives and approaches, have started this path. However, 2022 is expected to be the year in which this initiative will emerge. And it is that next year is the date set for the start of a pilot program at the government level that will kick off this proposal.