Twitch emotes will now be free for followers too

With immediate availability starting today, Twitch streamers and content creators can now start delivering a small selection of your “emotes” or custom icons for free among your followers, without the need for them to be subscribed to your channels.

Specifically, streamers can now configure up to five emotes that followers will be able to use for free in their broadcasts and the rest of the platform’s channels. Also, these icons they can be updated and changed for new ones with total freedom, being able to select some of the emotes available in their limited levels for subscribers, or choosing from a selection of predetermined icons created by Twitch itself.

So while this function will be available to all channels, regardless of their size or regularity in the broadcasts, it is not a function available for 100% of accounts. And it is that the company has shared that to offer gestures of followers, the transmitter or owner of the channel must be eligible for loads of emoticons, so the accounts of the creators may not have been suspended within the previous 60 days, among others. exceptions. However, if we follow the basic rules of the platform, we shouldn’t have any problems.

This is an important change in the Twitch community, since until now channel-specific icons were only available to subscribers, with the only possibility of unlocking some of them through the channels’ currency reward system, awarded to viewers based on their time spent watching those channels. In this way, the platform seeks to provide greater inclusivity to viewers from their community, even if they can’t afford the (recently adjusted) prices of monthly subscriptions.

Hopefully this new measure helps to foster this feeling of integration, helping to alleviate the still-present problems of the “hate raids” witnessed on the platform during the last year.

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