The studies completed by Tim Cook
Based on information from various sources, including the official ones from Tim Cook’s biography, the Alabamense completed the following higher studies:
- Industrial engineering (Auburn University – Auburn – Alabama)
- Master of Business Administration (Duke’s Fuqua School – Durham – North Carolina)
We do not know the qualifications obtained by the current CEO of Apple in both studies, but even without that we can already see that they are degrees closely linked to your current position. As regards industrial engineering, it is essential to know the field in which Apple operates (also based on the positions it previously held). While having successfully completed business administration studies make you more than qualified for a position like the one you currently hold.
First IBM and then a long history at Apple
Tim Cook did not land in the Apple dome overnight after having completed the aforementioned studies, but had previously developed other jobs for other companies. Curiously his first prominent position was at IBM, which was the rival company par excellence of Apple during the 80s.
In the company founded by Charles Flint he spent 12 years, occupying positions such as that of held the position of director of logistics operations from the United States for 12 years. Later he lived another stage in Intelligent Electronics What operations manager, a position similar to the one he held at IBM. Later he would come to the well-known company Compaq to take over the position of Vice President for Corporate Materials.
In this last company he was only 6 months, since Steve Jobs crossed his path, who convinced him to arriving at Apple in March 1998. On his arrival at the apple company he was like Deputy Director of Global Operations. After two years he rose through the ranks and assumed new responsibilities upon being appointed senior vice president of Worldwide Operations, Sales, Service and After-sales. Since he left behind in 2002 when he was appointed executive vice-president for international sales. He was also in command of the Macintosh hardware engineering.
Cook was already beginning to see himself as a strong man in the company, when in 2005 was the interim CEO from the company following the absence of Jobs, who was already suffering from cancer and undergoing harsh treatment. The same thing happened in 2009 when again the then CEO had a relapse of his illness.
However, their Indefinite CEO position arrived in the summer of 2011, when Jobs already announced his indefinite retirement in what were his last months of life before sadly cancer took him away. Since he finally passed away in October, Cook has been established as the definitive CEO and, to this day, continues to hold that position with no expected retirement date.
In his mandate there are many aspects to highlight beyond the products and services themselves, since the CEO has also managed to turn Apple into the most valuable company in the world for several consecutive years. The income records set during this time endorse it as a great bet, despite lacking that aura of Steve Jobs so longed for by many.