what it is and why it helps you save a lot each month on your electricity bill

In order to spend less on the electricity or gas bill each month, we can take into account some tips. Something essential is to control the temperature of the house very well, especially in cold winter months. If we make mistakes in this regard, we can cause the bill to skyrocket. For this reason, in this article we are going to talk about what is thermal inertia. We are going to explain what it consists of and how it helps you pay less.

What is thermal inertia

The thermal inertia we can say that it is the time that elapses while the house is cooled or heated. For example, if we leave the house cold without heating, when it is turned on it will have a thermal inertia and it will continue to be cold for a while until it finishes taking temperature. The same in the opposite case, when we turn off the heating at 20 degrees, for example, and the thermal inertia a time until reaching 13, 14 or 15 degrees that the house normally has in winter without heating.

So how can we take advantage of thermal inertia? As it is, when you turn off the heat the temperature does not drop to plumb, but it is maintained for a while and gradually decreases. It can even take several hours for it to cool down completely, as long as you have good thermal insulation. You can take advantage of thermal inertia by turning off the heating at the ideal time.

For example, it is normal that at night we turn off the heating. It is not necessary to have the house at 19-21 degrees at which we keep it during the day. But of course, we don’t really need to turn off the heating just when we go to sleep either. Not even a few minutes before. You can take advantage of thermal inertia and turn it off a few hours before.

The temperature drops little by little

In that time, the temperature has perhaps dropped from 20 degrees to 18 or 19, for example. Even if it’s a little colder, still maintains a certain temperature before it continues to drop overnight. But you will have saved maybe 2 hours of heating. If you take that to every day of the month that you turn it on, you can save up to 60 hours if you turn it on every day. That is certainly a significant saving. It is as if you had it on for two and a half days without stopping.

But you can apply the same at any time. For example, if you are going to leave the house, you can turn off the heating for a while before leaving. The house will still take a while to cool down and you will not be consuming electricity or gas. You will still maintain a good room temperature as it cools down little by little, but never suddenly.

You can take this into account if you use heating, radiators, if you use a brazier or stove. In all cases, whether it is the entire house or just one room, there will be thermal inertia. You’re going to be able to maintain a good temperature to some extent for a while or a few hours before it gets cold.

Therefore, as you can see, thermal inertia is something that we can take into account in order to save on the electricity bill when heating the home. Turning off everything for a while before going out or going to sleep will make us use less electricity. You can even control some devices through a smart plug, as long as you don’t have problems with Wi-Fi at home and the signal is good.

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