
What’s going on at Activision Blizzard? They demand departure from the CEO; PlayStation and Xbox value ending their employment relationship

Activision Blizzard is one of the video game developers more important today, however, this time it is not a trend in social networks due to the launch of a title, but because hundreds of employees are demanding the immediate removal of their CEO, Bobby Kotick.

And it is that recently The Wall Street Journal revealed that the CEO of the company would haveuncovered multiple instances of sexual harassment, discrimination, and even rape within the company. In fact, Kotick is also singled out for having threatened to kill one of the workers by means of a voice message.

The alleged omission of Activision Blizzard CEO unleashed the annoyance of hundreds of workers and shareholders who They threaten to go on strike and continue the protests until his dismissal is a reality. The complaints of harassment, discrimination and rape have not been just words, since they are already in the California courts, United States, in accordance with A Better ABK, who legally represents some of the victims.

According to a lawsuit filed by the Department of Housing and Fair Employment (DFEH, for its acronym in English), Bobby Kotick fostered a culture of machismo in the company, in addition to allowing men to harass and sexually assault their colleagues without any punishment for them, but for those who dared to report these acts .

Despite the fact that the issue continues to grow not only in the United States but is echoing in other countries thanks to social networks, Kotick is clinging to his position and Activision Blizzard released a brief statement in which it indicates that it will have zero tolerance in cases of abuseHowever, the employees consider that this was not enough.

The video game developer discredited the accusations against its CEO exposed by WSJ highlighting that under the leadership of Kotick many efforts have been made to turn the company into the best place to work. In the letter sent by a spokesperson to Bloomberg, he even specified that is working for inclusion and equity, this in response to female workers who denounced unequal conditions and wages compared to their male colleagues.

PlayStation and Xbox are “horrified” by the case

Employees demanding the immediate removal of Bobby Kotick are asking for Activision Blizzard shareholders to appoint the new CEO. In a letter released this November 18, more than fifty workers and contractors ask that the culture and integrity of the company be re-directed, which has been eroded due to the behaviors and practices of the executive.

This scandal within the studio responsible for successful video game sagas such as Call of Duty or Crash Bandicoot It has already reached the ears of the CEOs of the two most important consoles: PlayStation and Xbox, as reported by specialized media in economics and technology.

Bloomberg specified that Jim Ryan, President of Sony Interactive Entertainment, he said “with a broken heart” when he learned that your partner has been indolent about complaints of discrimination, harassment and abuseIt is an ingrained problem that all companies should be working to eradicate. He said Ryan contacted Activision Blizzard with concern to ask how it will address this situation, as he does not consider the statements to be the solution.

Xbox spoke in the same vein, as said medium also reported that its CEO, PHil Spencer, sent an email to his employees expressing his enormous concern because of what’s going on at Activision Blizzard. According to the letter, the manager would be disturbed by the horrible events within the video game developer, so he would be considering ending the employment relationship with the company run by Kotick.


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