Where should I put my new router? Tips to get it right

You have finally been able to buy it, but you come home and a doubt assails you, where should I place the new router? It may not seem like it at first glance, but it is a very important question, so much so that, depending on the place you choose, you may end up enjoying a perfect Wi-Fi connection, or you may find yourself with significant connectivity problems.

That is the main reason why it is so important to choose well the place where we are going to place the new router that we have bought. This will determine the range, quality and stability of the Wi-Fi signal, and also the points in which we will have connection and those in which not. It is something very simple, and it is that, in the end, Wi-Fi works through radio waves that have a limited range. If these waves do not reach, for example, an area of ​​our home, we will find a dead zone, and we will not have an Internet connection.

I know what you’re thinking, does where you decide to put your new router really have that big of an impact? Well yes, because it is not just a distance issue, Obstacles and everything that it may have around it also has a lot to do with it.. For example, the difference between placing the router in an area free of obstacles and interference, and placing it in another where both elements concur, can be enormous.

By placing the new router in an area free of obstacles and interference, you can probably bring Wi-Fi to every corner of your home. However, if you were to place it surrounded by obstacles and / or interference, you would end up with many dead zones, and you would have connectivity problems even within walking distance of the router.

Keys to be successful when placing the new router

Its importance is beyond doubt, and luckily it is not difficult to get it right in the placement of a router. To do this, it is enough to follow a series of recommendations that we are going to give you below, although before entering the matter I remind you that, in the end, each house, and each office, is a world, and that is why you should always keep in mind take into account its peculiarities, and your needs.

  1. Take into account the characteristics of your home or office, and your needs. If you live in a large, two-story house, and you want Wi-Fi to reach the second floor, you will have to find a central and elevated location. Also assess where exactly you want to go, before placing the new router, and feel free to move it a little in that direction to improve the signal.
  2. Do not force placements that, in the end, are counterproductive. What we have said in the previous point is fine, but do not go to the extreme of forcing the placement of the router to reach a room if, in return, you are going to have to leave half the house without signal.
  3. Always place the router in a place free from obstacles. Avoid areas where it may get boxed in, or where it is surrounded by sources of interference. It’s also a good idea to look for slightly elevated locations whenever possible.
  4. Think about your needs in the medium and long term. Changing the location of the router is not as easy as it seems, especially in those facilities that have needed a previous adaptation process (how much we connect with fiber optics, for example), so think about whether that place you have chosen will still seem to you the best in six months, or a year.
  5. Do performance tests before choosing your final location. If you have the possibility, make performance measurements, and stability tests, of those corners to which you want to take your Internet connection, before making a final decision on where you are going to place the new router.

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