Why you shouldn’t use the same username in your credentials

Use different usernames and protect your accounts

Password managers are very useful for generating unique and random access keys. This is very important because if you always use the same password, in the event that an intruder finds out the password for one of the services, they can enter the rest. For example, if you use the same password for Facebook, Gmail and an Internet forum, in case the latter has a problem and your password is leaked on the network, it would cause a domino effect and they could break into the rest.

What happens to the Username? Basically the same. If you always use the same name, an attacker can use it to try multiple passwords and enter any social network or platform you use. He could find that key and manage to enter without you noticing.

To avoid this, something very interesting is to use different usernames. It is similar to using unique passwords for each account. The goal is to make it as difficult as possible for any attacker to enter and fully protect accounts. Therefore, you should not use the same name for your credentials on Internet forums, social networks or any other platform.

This, together with a unique password, will allow security to be increased considerably and minimize the risk of security problems appearing. Preventing the entry of intruders who can steal data or control logins is essential.

Neutral names, the best option

And what username should be used? it’s interesting avoid names they can guess easily. For example, do not use our name or some typical user that we may have for more “public” accounts, where they will be able to see it easily. This will greatly limit the possibility of an attacker looking for a way to gain access.

Therefore, use a neutral name, something that does not relate to you and that is even random, is a good option. You will achieve maximum protection and reduce the risk that they can find out both your password and the username of the credentials to enter that account.

Logically this is an added problem at the user level as well. If it’s already complex to manage so many unique keys, which makes password managers convenient, then you’d also have to manage many different usernames. There are already key managers like Bitwarden which has recently added the function of creating random users.

In short, as you have seen, it is important to use unique usernames in addition to having different passwords for each case. This will provide extra security to your accounts and will prevent a possible intruder from gaining access.

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